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Keijdener, C. and Metrikine, A. An efficient method for compu­

ting the time domain response of a floating ice block including


Proceedings of the International Conference on

Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Kim, E., Amdahl, J., Storheim, M. and Løset, S. Understanding

the effect of assumptions on shell plate thickness for arctic

ships. Proceedings of the International Conference on Port and

Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Kim, E., Lu, W., Lubbad, R., Løset, S. and Amdahl, J. Toward a

holistic load model for structures in broken ice.


of the International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering

under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Kjerstad, Ø.K., Metrikin, I. and Skjetne, R. Description and

Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Positioning In Reversing

Managed Ice.

Proceedings of the International Conference on

Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Kuiper, G. and Løset, S. SAMCoT: Leveraging cross sector col-

laboration to drive sustainable.

Proceedings of Arctic Technol-

ogy (ATC)


Kulyakhtin, A. A system to measure ice accretion mass.


ceedings of the International Conference on Port and Ocean Engi-

neering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Lishman, B. and Polojärvi, A. 2D DEM of ice rubble: the effect

of rate-dependent friction.

Proceedings of the International

Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Condi-

tions (POAC`15)


Lu, W. An engineering approach to study the towing of a four-

leg GBS in sea ice.

Proceedings of the International Conference

on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Lu, W., Løset, S., Shestov, A. and Lubbad, R. Design of a field

test for measuring the fracture toughness of sea ice.


ings of the International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineer-

ing under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Lu, W., Lubbad, R. and Løset, S. Tentative fracture mecha-

nisms of the parallel channel effect during ice management.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Port and Ocean

Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Lubbad, R. Løset, S. and Skjetne, R. Numerical Simulations

Verifying Arctic Offshore Field Activities.

Proceedings of the

International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under

Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Lubbad, R. and Løset, S. Time Domain Analysis of

Floe Ice Interactions with Floating Structures.

Proceedings of Arctic Technology (ATC)


Marchenko, A. and Brandvik, P.J. Surface heating of oil spills

in ice conditions.

Proceedings of the International Conference on

Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Marchenko, A., Gorvatsky, V. and Turnbull, I. Characteristics of

under-ice ocean currents measured during wave propagation

events in the Barents Sea.

Proceedings of the International Con-

ference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions



Marchenko, A., Kowalik, Z., Brazhnikov, D., Marchenko, N.,

and Morozov, E. Characteristics of sea currents in navigational

strait akselsundet in spitsbergen.

Proceedings of the Interna-

tional Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic

Conditions (POAC`15)


Marchenko, A. and Lishman, B. Properties of thermo-elastic

waves in saline ice.

Proceedings of the International Conference

on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Marchenko, A. and Onishchenko, D. Analytical modeling of

passive turn of turret moored vessel in close ice.


of the International Conference and Exhibition for Oil and Gas Re-

sources Development of the Russian Arctic and Continental Shelf

(RAO/CIS Offshore)


Marchenko, N. Ship traffic in the Svalbard area and safety


Proceedings of the International Conference on Port and

Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)


Marchenko, N., Borch, O.J., Markov, S.V. and Andreassen, N.

Maritime activity in the high north – the range of unwanted in-

cidents and risk patterns.

Proceedings of the International Con-

ference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions


Marchenko, N. and Marchenko, A. Sea currents and ice drift

in western part of Barents Sea, a comparison of data from

floating and fixed on ice buoys.

Proceedings of the International

Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Condi-

tions (POAC`15).

Nord, T., Øiseth, O., Petersen, Ø.W., Lourens, E-M. Sensor net-

work for dynamic ice-force identification: The Hanko-1 channel

marker case study.

Proceedings of the International Conference

on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15).