Department of Electric
Power Engineering
Spring 2017
Modelling of
Aggregation and
Magnus Korpås
Birger Mo
Martin Berg-Leirvåg
Norway has in the recent decades utilized hydro
as an energy resource, and the EMPSmodel has
long been used as a simulation tool of the power
prices in the Nordic energy marked. The great
number of hydro power plants and reservoirs
in the Nordic power system contributes to
an increased complexity in the model, and
therefore an aggregated representation of the
hydro system is used.
The main objective of this master thesis is to
study the effects of aggregation models in a
SDDP simulation program, named ProdRisk.
Aggregation leads to fewer state variables in the
SDDP, reduces the computation time drastically
of one, two or three reservoirs coupled in parallel
and/or series are to be analyzed, together with a
step-by-step aggregation method to find a «set-
of-rule» system on how to aggregate a given
river system.
Figur 1.1: Overgangen mellom et fysisk system til venstre
og et aggregrert system til høyre
Figur 5.3: Reservoarnivå for modellene gjennom