Stipendiater og postdoktorer
Stipendiater og postdoktorer / PhDs and Postdocs
Ph.d.-er og postdocer tilknyttet NTRANS.
PhDs and Postdocs at NTRANS.
Davood Qourbani, PhD (NTNU-IØT)
Tentative title: "Pathways to sustainable mobility systems: Balancing social, technical, and environmental aspects while transforming"
Supervisor: Ruud Egging (NTNU-IØT)
Maik Budzinski, Postdoc (NTNU-EPT)
Title: “Assessing the role of Norway for limiting global warming to 1.5°C or 2°C”
Anders Hammer Strømman (NTNU-EPT)
Volker Krey (IIASA/ NTNU).
Amber Joy Nordholm, PhD (NTNU-KULT)
Tentative title: "Barriers to accelerated diffusion: Socializing, learning and up-scaling of urban pilots"
Marianne Ryghaug (NTNU-KULT)
Allan D. Andersen (UiO-TIK)
Tomas M. Skjølsvold (NTNU-KULT)
Bradley Loewen, Postdoc(NTNU-KULT)
Topic: “Innovation, contestation and social change: Exploring radical ideas in the Norwegian energy transition.”
Marianne Ryghaug (NTNU-KULT)
Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU-KULT)
Marius Korsnes (NTNU-KULT)
Tentative title: “Electricity Flexibility Market Analysis - Understanding the sources, motivations, risks, and viable solutions.”
Stein-Erik Fleten (NTNU-IØT)
Co-supervisors Mette Bjørndal and Endre Bjørndal (NHH)
Kyriaki Tselika, PhD (NHH)
Tentative title: “The distributional effects of renewable energy on electricity prices: A panel approach.”
Gunnar Eskeland (NHH)
Co-advisors: Leif Kristoffer Sandal (NHH) and
Evangelos Kyritsis (Statkraft)
Krisjanis Rudus, PhD (NTNU-KULT)
Topic: "Power, inclusion and exclusion in the Norwegian energy transition. Exploring tools for increased engagement and participation across sectors."
Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU-KULT)
Marius Korsnes (NTNU-KULT)
Jason Chilvers (University of East Anglia)
Jan Klenner, PhD (NTNU-EPT)
Topic: "Climate change and air pollution mitigation in the aviation sector"
Anders Hammer Strømman, (IndEcol, NTNU-EPT)
Helene Muri, (IndEcol, NTNU-EPT)
Suzanne Øverlie, PhD (NTNU-IØT)
Tentative title: “Innovation and commercialization of environmentally friendly energy in University Industry Collaborations”
Roger Sørheim (NTNU-IØT)
Øyvind Bjørgum (NTNU-IØT)
Milad Mehdizadeh, PhD (NTNU-IPS)
Title: "The role of citizens in a transition of the mobility system: An agent-based modelling approach"
Christian A. Klöckner, main supervisor (NTNU-IPS)
Trond Nordfjærn, co-supervisor (NTNU-IPS)
Meike Siefkes, PhD (NTNU-IØT)
Title: "The transition towards the zero-emission society from the energy market’s perspective"
Øyvind Bjørgum, main supervisor (NTNU-IØT)
Roger Sørheim, co-supervisor (NTNU-IØT)
Britta Ekløf, PhD (NTNU-IPS)
Tentative title: "Citizen engagement and participation in the energy transition - an application of Agent-Based Modelling"
Christian A. Klöckner, main supervisor (NTNU-IPS)
Erica Löfström, co-supervisor (NTNU-IPS)
Maximilian Koslowski, PhD (NTNU-EPT)
Working title: "Scenarios to guide the reduction of environmental footprints"
Edgar Hertwich & Richard Wood (both NTNU-EPT, IndEcol)
Luke Whittington, PhD (NTNU-IEL)
Title: "Uncertainty analysis for robust optimization of energy markets"
Supervisor: Hossein Farahmand (NTNU-IEL)
Simen Rostad Sæther, Postdoc (NTNU-ISS)
Topic: "The politics and governance of decarbonizing the maritime sector - Prospects for accelerated transitions"
In close collaboration with Espen Moe (NTNU-ISS)
Kejia Yang, Postdoc, (UiO-TIK)
Tentative topic: "Accelerating low-carbon energy transition: speed and directionality"
In close cooperation with Allan Dahl Andersen (UiO-TIK)
Negar Safara Nosar, PhD (HVL)
Title: "Approaching Contexts in Transition Studies-The case of energy-hub-ports"
Geoffrey Sean Gilpin, HVL
Bente Johnsen Rygg, HVL
Rune Njøs, HVL
"I was impressed by the quality of NorRen summer school!"
![PhD Felipe Van de Sande Araujo on the way to a wind farm.](/documents/1284688443/1303106014/IMG_20210818_101605366_HDR+%281%29.jpg/66e95a66-2dfb-4d3d-5924-c5ad4c19d137?t=1630057296265&imagePreview=1)
“All the lectures during the week were really great. I wouldn’t trade any of them. And I got several new work connections and friends!”
(Published 27.08.2021)
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