There are quite a few tools being used in our software development courses across NTNU. A list of the most commonly used tools is found below, with a link to the corresponding wiki-page describing the tool in more detail and how it can be used/is being used in teaching.

Integrated Development environments (IDE):

  • Netbeans IDE for Java
  • Eclipse IDE for Java
  • IntelliJ AIDE for Java
  • BlueJ IDE

Project management/methodology tools

Tools provided by Atlasssian ( )

  • JIRA - issue tracking and Agile project management (SCRUM)
  • Confluence - wiki system 
  • Bitbucket - git repository and framework, close integration to JIRA and Confluenc

 UML/ERD/BPMN/TOGAF Modelling Tools

  • Visual Paradigm (Win, Mac, Linux) - NTNU Academic Partnership License for all students and academic staff
  • No labels