(Editor lead: Arne Styve)

On the CoPCSE-meeting in Trondheim 3rd May 2016 we agreed to setup a working group to discuss the use of project management/development process tools like JIRA and Confluence from Atlasssian (https://www.atlassian.com).


Topics to discuss in this workgroup:

  • Common server installation across NTNU, or every campus its server? How to finance licenses, and resources for administration?
  • Configuration and setup of the servers - what is best practice/recommended setup (JIRA and Confluence are extremely open/flexible in how to setup users with regards to groups and roles)
  • How to use these types of tools in teaching, research, etc. (Confluence vs LMS-tools??)
  • Etc (Colleagues: please add more bullets)


Server installation

Current status

JIRA and Confluence (and other tools like BitBucket) are being used more or les on all campuses in NTNU:

  • NTNU Ålesund: Have installed JIRA and Confluence on a virtual VMWare server on their data-lab. This is a not very reliable environment. They are now moving the virtual server over to the virtual server cluster managed by the IT department at the campus. The IT-department will then have control of the virtual server in terms of backup, and uptime etc., while the academic staff have administrative access to the tools (JIRA & Confluence etc.).
  • NTNU Gjøvik: Have a smilar setup as Ålesund. The IT-department on the campus is managing the virtual server etc. while the academic staff administrate the tools. They have just recently hired one person to manage these servers (but would be very happy to let others administrate the serveres (wink))
  • NTNU Gløshaugen: The IT-department at the faculty hosts AND manages the JIRA/Confluence installation. Academic staff does not have administrator access to these tools, which is very limiting).

Suggestions for a common solution

<TODO: How do we want this to be in the future? One single server-installation across NTNU? Separate servers on each campus centrally managed? Separate servers on each campus locally managed? How do we finance the resources needed to manage the system/tools? Licensing?>

Configuring JIRA and Confluence

<TODO: Describe a good way of setting up users, groups and roles to enable a good way of administrate large number of students and academic staff across a large number of projects>

Topics to discuss:

  • Lifecycle of a project (JIRA)/space (Confluence) - how do we "delete" projects that no longer are "alive"?
  • Users-Groups-Roles
  • Synchronisation with AD (Active Directories) or similar (single sign-on)
  • Naming-convention - on groups, on projects/spaces (especially the keys)
  • Etc...



<TODO: Describe ways of using these tools in teaching, research, communication with students etc.>


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