About the tool

Visual Paradigm is one of the leading tools for any kind of of modeling in ICT (UML models, BPR-models, ER-models for databases etc. etc.).

The tool is both standalone and comes as a plugin to Netbeans and IntelliJ. The tool is available on Windows, MacOSX and Linux.

License @NTNU

In September 2019 NTNU bought a department wide license of the tool. With this Academic Partnership license, all academic staff AND students can download, install and use the tool for non-commercial activities. The user must register using his/her NTNU e-mail (@ntnu.no, @stud.ntnu.no) in order to be recognized as being a part of this license. 

For instructions for downloading and installing the software go to https://ap.visual-paradigm.com/norwegian-university-of-science-and-technology 

The license is registered on Arne Styve (asty@ntnu.no) at IE/IIR. 

Courses using Visual Paradigm

  • IDATA1001/IDATA2001 - Used for UML modeling, mostly by the teacher for demonstrations, but made available for students for those that want to test it out.
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