In Norwegian the term "Manufaktur" used to be well known- when textile manufacturing and clothing was still a significant industry, often local.

Tekna is buidling a library of recorded video-streams from online lectures and inspirational talks about technology, and climate action- and many other related themes:

In Norwegian, and including a "link"  (=reference) to the podcast known as "fÆb". Re-use is high fashion these days (smile)

Knut Skinnes jobber i Våren As som utvikler tech-plattformer og investerer i start-ups. Som grunder og ansvarlig tilrettelegger i Greenhouse, forteller han hvordan de der plukker ned sirkulær økonomi til noe konkret og jordnært, som skal endre verden.

Knut understreker alvoret vi står i og belyser mulighetsområdene innenfor råvarer, sirkularitet, og kvalitet. 

Knut var også nylig innom som gjest i Jointhefaebrik sin podcast fÆb. Der snakker KlimaKnut om hvordan han ønsker å bidra til å revolusjonere gjenbruk og gjenvinning av klær! Hør selv! (Episoden heter Klima-Knut + selvroast)

Interessert i å lære mer? Finn en rekke opptak fra foredrag og seminarer om temaet klima.

Podcast "Klima-Knut + Selvroast" episode at fÆb with Knut (Google it!), Knut enters the podcast-recording at about 33 minutes into the episode(!). 

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  1. Embedded Spotify is non-functional as of yet- but look up fÆb on your favorite podcast-player - and practice your Norwegian if your a non-native-speaker (smile)

  2. Knut talks about re-cycling including automated sorting and de-composition/shredding. Automatic fabric-sorting using "Tomra-sensors and sorting-system" as inspiration and actual building blocks. Tomra is a pretty well known Norwegian actor in the re-cycling industry you should all know about- if you've returned empty bottles at Kiwi or Rema 1000....

  3. And a nice example of how to "Be the change": How to contribute to our common goals, the UN SDG's

    The Be the Change Initiative provides an opportunity for all of us to better “walk the talk” when it comes to the SDGs. This Initiative guides and encourages us to live more sustainable at work and at home by changing our consumption patterns, using active transport such as cycling, and buying local foods. Everyone is welcome to participate. Every little step helps – inform your family, your friends and your community about simple actions they can take in their daily lives.

    An easy way to start being the change is to look at our Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World to get inspired to live sustainable every day! Another great resource is the 170 Actions to Transform the World.

    See link