Some theory and background on materials and processes relevant for manufacturing engineering, see the child-page "Materials and Processes"

Some updates to be added later. 

A few selected scientific papers (highlights)

In Norway we share a common database - and published data is also presented for each employee at NTNU. For "Learning Factories" in manufacturing education a few of the most relevant are highlighted and shared on a sub-page here (link below), and at the bottom of the current page- including student work at MSc, PhD-level.

A few selected papers, including PhD-work at NTNU IVB

For a sample of general projects including student work at various levels, see the child-page "Stories and Context".

We start these pages in collaboration with colleagues at the KPI in Kyiv, through the HK-dir supported collaboration project on "Industry 4.0 Education". We hope to continue to update content and share knowledge with even more colleagues at the KPI soon- and in the future. Not just at the KPI or at NTNU of course!

Below we present a few local examples of learning factories at NTNU Gjøvik, Raufoss and related labs/projects in Norway and elswhere.

Cyber-Physical Learning Factory at NTNU Gjøvik,  S-Lab:

CP Factory at NTNU Gjøvik,  S-Lab

A part of Manulab Infrastructure:

In the S-Lab including lab, workareas and 

  • CT X-ray machine station-Metrotom
  • CMM Duramax

Virtual visit via H5P web content (360 degree images)

Links to course content,  study programs and projects to be shared (....later....)

General starting point for CP Factory use:  

Workplan: Simulation for building a phone/case including PCB and fuses. 

Keywords: Variants and automation.

CP Factory by Festo Didactic

Link to Learning Factory simulation including workplan and videos:

Workplan for building a phone case with a PCB and fuses

What kind of problems can you think of- that can be simulated?

“Learning Factories” definitions below according to Encyclopedia CIRP, see Abele, E. (2016).
Learning Factory. CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering.

“A Learning Factory in a narrow sense is a learning environment specified by:

• processes that are authentic, include multiple stations, and comprise technical
as well as organizational aspects,

• a setting that is changeable and resembles a real value chain,

• a physical product being manufactured, and

• a didactical concept that comprises formal, informal and non-formal learning,
enabled by own actions of the trainees in an on-site learning approach.

Depending on the purpose of the Learning Factory, learning takes place through
teaching, training and/or research. Consequently, learning outcomes may be
competency development and/or innovation. An operating model ensuring the
sustained operation of the Learning Factory is desirable.
In a broader sense, learning environments meeting the definition above but with

• a setting that resembles a virtual instead of a physical value chain, or

• a service product instead of a physical product, or

• a didactical concept based on remote learning instead of on-site learning

can also be considered as Learning Factories.”

Abele, E. (2016)

The recent textbook by Abele et al. (Springer) is available through the link below, and e.g. the NTNU library - also pdf-version/eBook

The book presents the background, pedagogy/didactic-approach and a large number of examples- mostly in Germany, though there are variants many places, and a few other names are used....

About this book

This book presents the state of the art of learning factories. It outlines the motivations, historic background, and the didactic foundations of learning factories. Definitions of the term learning factory and a corresponding morphological model are provided as well as a detailed overview of existing learning factory approaches in industry and academia, showing the broad range of different applications and varying contents. Learning factory best-practice examples are presented in detailed and structured manner. The state of the art of learning factories curricula design and their use to enhance learning and research as well as potentials and limitations are presented. Further research priorities and innovative learning factory concepts to overcome current barriers are offered. While today numerous learning factories have been built in industry (big automotive companies, pharma companies, etc.) and academia in the last decades, a comprehensive handbook for the scientific community and practitioners alike is still missing. The book addresses therefore both researchers in production-related areas, that want to conduct industry-relevant research and education, as well as managers and engineers in industry, who are searching for an effective way to train their employees. In addition to this, the learning factory concept is also regarded as an innovative learning concept in the field of didactics.

See the link above for a book description, including table of contents. The first few chapters are a good start and intro:

Frameworks for doing research and development - future smart manufacturing and smart manufacturing systems

A few good examples of relevant research on "Industry 4.0" - suitable for testing and implementation in a learning factory setting are shared below. Student projects and industry or work done by senior academics may find common ground to bring greater shared value- in context, for all interested stakeholders. The papers/projects by Jan Riemann at Fraunhofer and Gabor Sziebig at SINTEF (1) and by Christian Dalheim Øien, Håkon Dahl, and Sebastian Dransfeld all at SINTEF Manufacturing (2), Raufoss are linked below as good examples of references/frameworks for further work at NTNU, SINTEF and elsewhere.  was performed - and published - in 2019 with support from the SFI Manufacturing collaboration in Norway 

(1) The Intelligent Factory Space: A Concept for Observing, Learning and Communicating in the Digitalized Factory (2019)

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2919340

(a)Department Digitalisation in Production, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany
(b)Department of Production Technology, SINTEF Manufacturing, 7031 Trondheim, Norway

(2) A Digital Twin Implementation for Manufacturing Based on Open-Source Software and Standard Control Systems (2021)

Authors: Christian Dalheim Øien(B), Håkon Dahl, and Sebastian Dransfeld, SINTEF Manufacturing, Raufoss, Norway

Abstract: The concept of Digital Twins (DTs) can be utilized to solve complex problems in manufacturing based on the principle of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). While there are several reference architectures for CPS, there seems to be a knowledge gap between such high-level outlines and actual shopfloor-level implementations. This paper focuses on process control applications of the DT concept and proposes a specific implementation setup using fieldbus communication with a computer, aiming to fulfil a set of defined requirements. The setup is tested in an industrial use-case and the resulting characteristics of the solution are presented. A resulting assertion is that a DT of a process must be as specialized and customized as the system controlling it.

Keywords: Digital twins · Cyber-physical production systems · Smart manufacturing · Process control

Citation: Øien, C.D., Dahl, H., Dransfeld, S. (2021). A Digital Twin Implementation for Manufacturing Based on Open-Source Software and Standard Control Systems. In: Dolgui, A., Bernard, A., Lemoine, D., von Cieminski, G., Romero, D. (eds) Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. APMS 2021. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 633. Springer, Cham.

Master thesis work in Trondheim and at Raufoss etc (examples) 

Master thesis work based on student projects- at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics in Trondheim or elsewhere may be very relevant for a learning factory context also. Such as the work by Aksel Øvern and others on the an implementation of a digital twin human-machine interface, control and visualization of robot operations.

"Industry 4.0 - Digital Twins and OPC UA", (2018)

Aksel Øvern's Thesis from 2018, title above, is available through NTNU open:

Master thesis work based on student projects- as background for the Learning Factory at NTNU Gjøvik.

A Learning Approach for Future Competencies in Manufacturing using a Learning Factory (Master thesis, link to NTNU Open)

"Denne masteroppgaven har som mål å identifisere de viktigste kompetansene en produksjonsarbeider bør inneha det neste tiåret, og de kan tilegnes ved bruk av læringsfabrikk som læringsmiljø. Kartlegging av ledende forsking på fremtidens kompetansebehov og semistrukturerte intervjuer med fem deltakere ble gjennomført. Det ble også gjennomført en case-studie av et læringsscenario. En modell for didaktisk design ble benyttet for beskrivelse av læringsscenarioet."

"This master thesis aims to identify the most important competencies for a manufacturing worker in the coming decade and how they can be acquired using a learning factory as learning environment. A combination of State-of-the-Art research and semi-structured interviews with five participants were conducted. A case study of a learning scenario was also conducted. The learning scenario was described using a didactic design model."

Dahl, Håkon (Master thesis, 2020)
NTNU Open, Abstract: "Verden gjennomgår nå en teknologisk revolusjon i høy takt, og bedrifter kan ikke vente på at ny generasjons arbeidstakere skal få tilrettelagt opplæring i fremtidens kompetansebehov. Manglende kompetanse hindrer implementeringen ..."

A Learning Approach for Future Competencies in Manufacturing using a Learning Factory (Paper based on Master thesis, link to NTNU Open)

Dahl, Håkon; Tvenge, Nina; Assuad, Carla Susana A; Martinsen, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
This paper describes a study on future competence needs in manufacturing and how a learning factory utilising a Connective Model for Didactic Design can be used in teaching and learning of these competencies. The paper ...

"Industry 4.0 and Mixed Reality – Enterprise Modelling for a Learning Factory", (2020)

Anna Vaari's Thesis from 2020 on Enterprise Modeling, title above, is available through NTNU open:

Anna's master’s thesis investigates the use of mixed reality in the context of industry 4.0. Within this work, the relationships between industry 4.0, mixed reality and enterprise architecture in inspected from a theoretical point of view... (see link for full abstract and open publication).

As noted on the other related page on this wiki (link), it's usually best to work with your supervisor to find the right focus and scope of a project suitable for a master thesis. Examples are many- below, an academic, yet practical project in 2016 resulted in 2 related thesis works, with the following references/citations in NTNU Open:

Development of educational activity based on the learning factory in order to enhance learning experience (2016)

Ogorodnyk, Olga (Master thesis, 2016-09-29)

Purpose: The following thesis describes development of educational activity in order to enhance students’ practical and theoretical knowledge on topics of kaizen, waste types, efficiency, push/pull production systems, in ...(link may be added later)

Norway's First Learning Factory - A Learning Outcome Case Study (2016)

Granheim, Malin Victoria (Master thesis, 2016-09-29)

the appropriate theories to classify the needed educational processes was found, and embedded into the learning factory design. Further, with the collaboration with co-student Olga Ogorodnyk, the students got to improve the line in means of theories (kaizen...
, Olga Ogorodnyk. Studentene ble videre intervjuet av den hensikt å få dem til å reflektere på prosessen og dermed finne læringsutbyttene de hadde. Funn: i løpet av forskningen ble det funnet at måten å bygge læringsfabrikken på gav de tiltenkte... (link may be added later)

DigiFab project network in Norway, including video presentation of roadmap-paper:

"Original version



"In recent years, there is a growing focus on the role of small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), and their development towards Industry 4.0. One way of supporting SMEs in this effort, is by utilizing the method of strategic roadmapping. This article presents a) a theoretical framework for the use of strategic roadmapping towards industry 4.0, and b) insights from a validation of the framework in four pilots - Norwegian manufacturing companies. The framework offers a systemic view of the company by focusing on five dimensions: business and strategy, product, customers and suppliers, production processes, and factory and infrastructure. Simultaneously, the framework offers a stepwise method to look at these five dimensions from a strategic perspective in a holistic way. The empirical data from the pilot companies offer insights on how the companies take up the strategic roadmapping method into their strategic operations, as well as which topics related to Industry 4.0 get integrated into their future vision, strategies and plans. The results indicate that the use of the strategic roadmapping method supports companies in seeing diverse routes towards Industry 4.0 and provides support in prioritizing relevant projects and activities."

Publisher: Springer

See also <link> to project page:

Most of the strategic tools, including active research projects take too much time and effort for small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), but quite a few networks and tools target this challenge, such as EU research and networking support and the well known German Acatech work, report and maturity index report with significant contributions from industry stakeholder PTC.

(The 2 reports below in English are available in separate links)

Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index. Managing the Digital Transformation of Companies – UPDATE 2020

Published: 22 April 2020

Using the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index in Industry. Current challenges, case studies and trends

Published: 22 April 2020

Though the Acatech-report, in particular the update above, is one of the best places to start thinking about Industry 4.0- and concrete implementation/learning, it very much depends on your point of view-and maturity in your network. What is useful to you, now? And later?

The DigiFab project network in Norway, link to video, left, is a perhaps a better local example. Providing a useful road-map tool and video-intro/tutorial for small and medium sized enterprises:

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  1. Both project ideas/case descriptions and actual projects/results will be shared here -