To get control over the buttons we need to connect IO moduls:

75x 2DIfor buttons "Accept" and "Refuse"1.0 is Accept and 1.1 is Refuse
_75x2DOnot in use
_75x8DIfor button "Request" and encoder2.2 is Request
_75x8DI_1for encoderXCC AE7G10
_75x8DOnot in use

When there is a need for the MR_Room (MR) to assume control from the BR_Room (BR), the following protocol is observed:

Initiation of Control Request:

The MR signals its intent to take control by setting MR_Request to TRUE. This serves as a formal request for control from BR to MR. This communication is directional; only the room currently without control can initiate this request.

Response to Control Request:
If BR_Accept is set to TRUE, control is granted to MR. Conversely, if BR_Refuse is set to TRUE, BR retains control, denying MR's request.

Control takeover:
Upon gaining control, MR_Rom is activated to, and both MR_Accept and MR_Refuse  are reset to ensure MR has exclusive control.

System Timer Logic:

A timer associated with MR_Refuse is used to address potential inactivity. If there is no response within 10 seconds after MR's initial request, MR_Request is automatically set to FALSE, preventing the system from lingering in a waiting state.

Before BR_Request is set to TRUE, the system verifies the status of BR_ROOM to ensure that the timing and conditions are appropriate for transferring control. This protocol helps in sending requests when most effective, maintaining optimal system performance.


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