The XCC AE7G10 encoder is simply designed for accurate detection of position, velocity and acceleration. It has a resolution of 1024 pulses per revolution and a supply voltage of 24V. So this encoder is especially used for cases where accuracy is essential for a task.

  • Model: XCC AE7G10
  • Resolution: 1024 pulser per omdreining (PPR)
  • Supply voltage: 24V
  • Serial number: 86
  • Production date: 93-42
  • Warranty: 06-94

Areas of use:

The encoder is particularly used in automated processes where high precision is critical, cases in which it is often used are:

  • Motor controls: Precise control and feedback on a motor position.
  • Automated production lines: By monitoring parts that change position.
  • Robotics: Position reading in robotic systems.

Clear and user-friendly

The encoder can be used in advanced control systems and it proves to be easy to integrate in various automation cases. The encoder's ability to calculate accurate data quickly makes the systems more efficient.

Adaptation to needs

The encoder has an interface that will make it easier for technicians to program programs and adapt it to specific needs. Which is critical for machines that depend on precise settings.

Durability and Economy

The encoder also withstands harsh conditions and is very solidly built, this means that it has a long durability, which again means that money is saved. It also does not require any particular maintenance.




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