Getting started with the booking system "BookitLab":

You find the booking system at this web-address:

Registering in BookitLab

For NTNU and Sintef users: The booking system uses feide user accounts, all you  need to do is to activate it by logging on to the system using your feide sign in. This must be done before we can add you as a user on the instruments, so please do it before attending any training.

For external user: You will need to have a guest account created, pelase contact the lab responsible.  (We need Company name, address, full name of the user, and project number)

Quick start guide for users are shown below

Bookitlab - quick-start for users.pptx

Create your booking in the booking system

DaVinci1Booking system, see DescriptionMandatory
D8-FocusBooking system, see Description Mandatory
D8 DiscoverBooking system, see DescriptionMandatory
DaVinci2Booking system, see DescriptionMandatory
D8-AdvanceSend a service request in the Booking systemMandatory
Analysis PCBooking system, see DescriptionVoluntary

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