How to use the booking system ("BookitLab") for D8 Focus

Log on to bookitlab ( using your NTNU feide user account and go to home. If you do not have a feide account, please contanct the lab responsible.

First: Make sure you have added the IMA – XRD-lab in your filter at the top right corner of the screen.

Click on Instruments and then Timeline in the menu to the left.

Find the D8 Focus – X-ray Diffractometer instrument in the list and click somewhere on the timeline.


Fill in the New Reservation form using the following steps:

  1. Start and end time of the reservation. The end time should be after your measurements are done. 
  2. Change the user and project name is the auto filled data is not correct.
  3. Choose the sample holder type, example: normal, Si-cavity – 10mm, etc. (Mandatory)
  4. You can add any remarks for the engineer in the remarks box (Voluntary)
  5. You can add any notes to yourself in the reservation note box (Voluntary)
  6. When you are done click create reservation.

Note: If you press the calculate credit button it will show how much the reservation will cost.

IMPORTANT: The first time you book the instrument the status will be pending, as the engineer need to check that you have had the correct training. You cannot use the instrument until the status have been changes to Approved.

It you get an error message saying that you are missing the prerequisite New user training – XRD please contact the lab responsible and we will add you to the list.

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