2015.06.15: Deadline for Ole Kristian og Sofia

2015.06.11: Deadline for Erling


Rune, Ole Kristian, Erling, Sofia 
  • Status
  • Plan

2015.05.26 (Tuesday!)

Rune, Ole Kristian, Erling, Sofia 
  • Status
  • Plan

Erling: Nok tid til dialog?
OK&S: Sharpen the language 

2015.05.20: Deadline for Rashmi 


Rune, Ole Kristian, Erling, SofiaRashmi
  • Status
  • Plan

Erling: Jobber med dialog, og last station for hver buss
OK&S: Skriver videre på rapporten. Gjennomlesning?

  • Carl Fredrik Sørensen har sagt ja. Erling spør Björn.



Rune, Ole Kristian, Erling, Sofia, Rashmi

Muligheter for gjennomlesning i uke 23 (1.-5. juni)

  • Status
  • Plan

Rune: Deler Espens rapport
Erling: "Endeholdeplass" i svar: nesten ferdig. Raskt spm om ideell kode-plassering. Dialog: Trenger litt hjelp for å teste.
S&OK: Har skrevet "Metode, og hva er gjort, teknologi". Kommer svar fra Test, med SUS
Rashmi: Doing online Surveys (Google Form).  


Rune, Rashmi 
  • Status
  • Plan

Three categories (Towards or From Trondheim center, and Others)
Hand in preliminary report on Thursday.


Rune, Ole Kristian, Erling, Rashmi, Sofia 
  • Status
  • Plan

Erling: Finished and checked in "handicapped/rullestol/..."
Rune: Checked in "Når er påska".
Rashmi: Finished the application for RealTime.
OK&S: Connected App to OsloTUC. Got 11 SUS-answers.


Rune, Ole Kristian, Erling, Rashmi, Sofia 
  • Status
  • Plan

O&S: Poly-lines in Google Map... Not working very well. Use T for TunnelTrain-stops, Use TunnelTrain icon for moving trains. Show Route Number?
Add a custom keyboard with a/e/n etc. Start thinking more about the report.

Rashmi: Showed demo for CustomListView (Android), RealTime-lookup (AtB), and BusQuery (Prolog).

Espen: http://vm-6114.idi.ntnu.no:9001/ utdaterte ruteopplysninger (ingen nye ruter)!

Erling: Done with chronological stop-lists... Testing it now. Asking AtB for handicap info about buses (general info?),

Master Thesis AI template http://research.idi.ntnu.no/aimasters/files/


Rune, Ole Kristian, ErlingRashmi, Sofia
  • Status
  • Plan

Erling er tilbake, og jobber videre med kronologisk busstop-listing. Skal også finne "endeholdeplass", og gå videre på for eksempel handicap.

O&S Har implementert JSON-server for å returnere alle faktiske busslokasjoner på en oppgitt rute/linje.

Rune is in Japan 19/3 - 8/4. Satser på å få igang dialogTUC (igjen) snart.


Rune, Ole Kristian, RashmiErling, Sofia
  • Status
  • Tampere LinjaKartta.fi Demo


  • Skype with India.

Both O&S and Rashmi are making prototype applications from scratch, because TABuss is outdated/messy.

O&S focus on Oslo because they already implemented the SIRI standard.

Rashmi: Project report worth 320 marks, plus 80 internal in India.
See the MS Word document template. 

2015.02.02 Look to Trello tasks for action points. From 11:00-12:00 this week.

Rune, Ole Kristian, Sofia, Rashmi, Erling 
  • Update the Trello tasks.
  • What is Rashmi's project? ReisePlanlegger-connection/TABuss extension? Decide topic this week!
  • John Krogstie's survey summary (Done by email Friday30th. Will talk later).
  • O&S present their first Mile-stone work.
  • Show Rashmi how the RealTime API works.
  • Rashmi's Master-contract (in DAIM) should be signed and handed in by the end of the day.
  • Erling has upgraded his Project Report to Master Thesis. Will start coding.

Everyone start coding.

Rashmi checks out TABuss from GitHub.

Erling starts with chronological listing (and endstops) from BusTUC.

Sofia updates the plan on JIRA (Send the link to Rune please).

Ole Kristian works on NodeJS on the server side (Architecture).


Rune, Ole Kristian, Sofia, Rashmi, ErlingEspenOK
Every person put 1 or 2 items in Doing
Ask John Krogstie about survey setup.
Decide topic this week!
Keep for next year! 


Rune, Ole Kristian, Sofia, RashmiErling, Espen
  • Everyone present themselves, and their plan for the spring, with 5 important mile-stones.
  • All Master-contracts should be signed and handed in by the end of the day.
  • Rune: Checked in error-free BusTUC code. 
Rashmi: Make 5-Mile-stone plan
Erling: Make 5-Mile-stone plan
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