PAH measurement campaign at Elkem Thamshavn.
Poly-aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions are com-
mon to all metallurgical industries. As a continuation of
the efforts to understand their formation mechanisms,
concentrations in off-gases and process-dependent var-
iations in different industries, a test campaign was car-
ried out by PD Heiko Gærtner together with Elkem staff
at Elkem Thamshavn during the first week of November
2016. The objective of the campaign was to test the
abilities of an extended measurement set-up for meas-
urements of raw gas, clean gas, condensed silica fume
(CSF) and cyclone coarse fraction to better understand
process variations and their effect on emission and to
attempt a PAH “mass balance” (particle and gas-bound
PAH). The results will be summarized in a report and
part of a conference publication submitted for Infacon
Energy recovery.
In 2016, PhD candidate Daniel Clos, to-
gether with a SINTEF team, started work with the objec-
tive of better fundamental understanding of scaling in Al
electrolysis cell off-gas channels. The work has focused
on the design of a cold finger for sampling of off-gases/
scales to be installed at Hydro Al Sunndalsøra in spring
2017. Together with PD Elmira Moosavi Khoonsari,
Daniel will thermodynamically model the gas condensa-
tion and gas-solid reactions in the off-gas system.
Dust Generation and Thermodynamic Modelling.
2016, PhD candidate Håkon H.A. Olsen started his work
on kinetic and thermodynamic modelling of dust forma-
tion, growth and clustering, with particular focus on dust
from liquid manganese alloys. Postdoc Elmira Moosavi
Khonsari initiated thermodynamic modelling of the sys-
tem while Stefan Andersson aided in establishing the
kinetic model framework.
Review articles.
As a first in a series of three review arti-
cles from RD4, emissions from the Si/FeSi industry was
described in the article: Kero, I., Grådahl, S. and Tranell,
G., “Airborne Emissions from Si/FeSi Production”, JOM,
2016, vol. 69, pp. 356-380
Emissions and Energy Recovery (RD4)
by Professor Gabriella Tranell
Highlights of 2016 from the Research Domains