mittee facilitated a workshop for 20 teachers and 10 stu-
dents. Different groups were allocated different themes
to work on. The Committee’s draft for the final report
functioned as a trigger for the discussion. Participants
were asked to comment on the findings, to point out pos-
sible misunderstandings, to make remarks on the text in
case it were not clear and to work on the general themat-
ic content. This workshop was organized before the draft
and findings were presented to the leaders. The workshop
and presentations of the groups offered valuable data for
the Committee to improve the final report by making it
more relevant, understandable, communicative and useful
for the School. It also gave the committee a possibility to
bring the teachers’ and students’ views to the leaders with
whom the Committee had a long meeting the following
(and final) day of the evaluation process.
At the end of the third visit a seminar was organized for
all the staff and students regarding the findings and rec-
ommendations of the Committee.
The Committee continued to work on the report subse-
quent to the third visit and submitted the report in June