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CenSES annual report 2015


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At the end of 2015 CenSES had 557 followers, and we were

following 853, all key national and international stake-

holders such as industry decision makers, politicians,

scientists and researchers.

We use twitter to present our research and to communicate

with people that are sharing the same passion about

sustainable energy.

Follow us on twitter! @FMECenSES

The Lerchendal conference 2015 was arranged 3 - 4

February in Trondheim. The conference gathered 240

politicians, business leaders, academics and representatives

under the theme of “Change Agents for Green Growth”. The

purpose of this conference was to engage and discuss the

fact that climate change, destruction of biodiversity and

globalization confronts us with a number of major societal


Marianne Ryghaug, deputy chairman in CenSES, participated

in the conversation about “Green growth in Norway” along

with Vidar Helgesen (EU / EEA minister), Jonas Gahr Støre

(the party leader, Labour,) Måns Nilsson (Deputy Director

& Research Director, Stockholm Encironmental Institute),

Bjorn K. Haugland, Chief Sustainability Officer, DNV GL and

Steinsmo, President, SINTEF.

Among many highlights were Gahr Støre’s speach about

EV policy. Gahr Støre emphasized that: “The vision of a zero

emission transport sector within 15-20 years is realistic”.

Ryghaug highlighted the link between research and the

green shift. Research may provide new creative technology

solutions in the future, and she pointed out that if we are to

achieve a successful integration of smart energy technologies

and more distributed energy solutions, we need active

consumers who engage in technology. Ryghaug also argued

that it will be interesting to see which technologies have the

potential to create engagement and commitment among

the consumers, and engagement is needed to create a green


The Lerchendal Conference 2015

Marianne Ryghaug (left) deputy chairman in CenSES together with Jonas Gahr Støre (Leader of the Labour party), and Ylva Lindberg (Board member in Norsk

Gjenvinning Group.

Marianne Ryghaug together with Per Espen Stoknes (BI Klimastrategi).