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CenSES annual report 2015


CenSES position paper on Energy demand


As opposed to most other European countries, Norway

has no official, public energy projection. CenSES has

therefore developed an energy projection towards

2050, with openness to data and detailed discussions

of parameters and resulting energy demand. It is not a

prediction, but a projection, with assumptions based on

discussions among the CenSES partners. The objective

is to have a platform for further analyses within CenSES

and other interested users, where assumptions can

be openly presented. The intention is to develop

alternative paths based on future discussions, as a

way of improving the knowledge of how to achieve a

sustainable future energy system. The work was led by IFE

with support from Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane, Uio and


In the reference path, final energy consumption will

increase by 30 TWh to about 250 TWh in 2050. The

increased electricity consumption is 21 TWh to 134 TWh

in 2050. Implementation of profitable energy efficiency

measures can reduce the final energy consumption by 4

TWh in total while the electricity use increase by 7 TWh

(-2% and +6% respectively). In total, profitable energy

efficiency measures including heat pumps can reduce

the energy consumption in 2050 by about 23 TWh.

Illustrations of this, and several other scenarios are included

in this paper as “stories” describing literary how possible

futures might become.


UngEnergi is a group of students who seeks to improve

secondary school students understanding and interest

in renewable energy. Our main focus area is to engage

teachers to include information about the value of

renewable energy in their teaching lessons. This has also

been our top focus in 2015. To do so we have worked

on a number of projects, such as: school projects (build

your own solar powered car), school “packages” (pre-built

materials to be used in class, i.e. about solar power) and

exercises directly related to the texts and materials found

on our website.

A marketing tool that UngEnergi has used with great results

in 2015, has been to attend seminars and various gatherings.

This has been a great way tomarket thewebsite both towards

teachers and students. In 2015 UngEnergi participated in

“Trondheim Maker Faire”, “Trønderenergi-dagen”, “Juba

Juba-festivalen” and a regional gathering for science and

mathematics teachers. The project also partook in a science

conference in Oslo, proving to be relevant also outside the

region of Trøndelag. A milestone in marketing was also

reached when the regional newspaper Adresseavisen wrote

about the project in February.

Another exciting area that UngEnergi has worked on in 2015,

has been to develop new content and design for our web-

page. To be able to convey what renewable energy is, and

why it is important, our website needs to cover all aspects of

the subject. The result of this will be unveiled in 2016.

Be sure to check out

in the following

months as new and exciting material will be revealed.

Some of the members in UngEnergi. From left to right: Kristine Klock

Fleten, Anna Solberg, Erling Gjeset, Kari Postmyr Jystad, Martine Klock
