CenSES annual report 2011
Energy policy in China
Dr. Yu Wang From Tsinghua University in Beijing
participated in a Trondheim workshop focusing on
the energy situation in Asia. She visited
CenSES in November, and gave a lecture on the
policy framework used to implement China´s strat-
egy on renewable energy and energy effciency.
We hope the cooperation with Tsinghua on energy
policy research and energy system models will be
further strenghened over the coming years.
Offshore wind in China and Norway
CenSES participates in a Joint Research Centre be-
tween Jia Tong University in Shanghai and NTNU.
In September the researchers from the two groups
met in Trondheim. There the JRC management de-
cided to allocate two PhD positions, one in China
and one at NTNU, to a joint project on System Anal-
ysis and Sustainable Energy Studies. The title of the
project will be “Developing offshore wind industry
in and between China and Norway” and will focus
on the necessary conditions and policy needed to
achive offshore wind development in the two coun-
tries and cooperation between them.
Smart grid applications for households
In 2011 we initiated a cooperation with prof. Stein
W. Wallace and PhD candidate Pedro Crespo Del
Granado. The topic of their research is how en-
ergy storage and distributed energy generation in
households can help in removing peaks from the
energy system. They have performed case studies
both on typical households in the UK and on the
university campus in Lancaster. Their research is
relevant for several of CenSES PhD candidates, and
they visited Trondheim and Nord- Trøndelag Energi
(NTE) in Steinkjer in August to start cooperation on
this topic. Their studies so far indicate that the use
of batteries in households can shave off peaks in
the demand without increased costs for the house-
holds. From the Norwegian side we are interested
in what kind of business models would motivate
households to be willing to provide flexibility to the
system (PhD project of Stig Ottesen) and how this
will affect the energy system (PhD project of Karen
Byskov Lindberg).
International cooperation
Prof. Stein W. W.allace, Lancaster University.
Photo: A. Tomasgard
Offshore wind park