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CenSES annual report 2011
International workshop on pricing in elec-
tricity markets
This workshop held at at Voss in November attract-
ed researchers from Norway, Netherlands, Belgium,
Italy and Spain as well as several of CenSES user
partners. Around 25 people met for 3 days to share
ideas about the developments of Europes electric-
ity markets. Keynote speakers were Yves Smeers
from Université Catholique de Louvain and Anto-
nio Conejo fromUniversidad de Castilla - La Mancha
WilliamW. Hogan, Harvard University.
Some of the presentations given were:
- Market design and extended LMP (Hogan)
- Pricing Non-Convexities in an Electricity Pool
- Investment and Capacity Expansion in the
Electricity Market (Smeers).
In the program the participants found time for a
visit to the power station Evanger kraftverk (1500
meters into the mountain by Evangervatnet). This
plant is owned and operated by CenSES user part-
ner BKK. Almost as exiting was the workshop dinner
with the local speciality Smalahove.
Researcher exchange UCL San Diego
In the autumn of 2011 CenSES deputy director
Prof. Marianne Ryghaug was invited to be part of
the Science Studies research team and to collabo-
rate with Professor Naomi Oreskes at UCL San Die-
go. The visiting scholar experience involved active
research in the area of sustainable energy as well as
participation in the activities of the Science Studies
Prof. Ryghaug was placed at the University of Cali-
fornia, San Diego, the Department of History/Sci-
ence Studies Programme. She participated in a re-
search project on Climate Change Communication
which was seen as furthering the understanding of
how public consensus and dissent is formed in re-
lation to climate change both in USA and Norway.
Dr. Ryghaug gave talks in different workshops and
produced publications that was widely discussed in
the blogosphere (like
The visit was seen as part of the strategy of CenSES
to further collaboration with Universities in the US
and strengthen the international relations to lead-
ing climate and energy scientists.
International cooperation
Prof. Yves Smeers, CORE, at workshop. Photo: A. Tomasgard