CenSES annual report 2011
We will over the life time of the centre perform a
number of cross-cutting “User Cases”. While the re-
search in RA1-RA5 has a time frame of 5-8 years,
these cases will be limited to a period of 1-2 years
and will be defined dynamically through the life
time of the centre.
Of course, cooperation with user partners also hap-
pen in the research areas directly, but a user case
is a coordinatng mechanism spanning at least two
research areas focusing on coordinatng short term
deliverables from these within a spesific topic.
The idea is that user cases will stimulate coopera-
tion, between researchers, and between user part-
ners and researchers.
User Cases
Initially in 2011, five user cases were suggested in
CenSES. At the end of 2011, user cases on two topics
have been initiated:
- Flexible Norwegian energy as a green
service to Europe
- Energy efficiency improvements: Missing
in action?
The cases were selected after a process where
meetings with CenSES user partners were held in
Trondheim, Bergen, Oslo and Sogndal. Most of Cen-
SES user partners participated in these, and the pro-
file of the user cases were shaped by the process.
Other user cases will be started in 2012 and 2013
following a similar process.
This user case is actually combining topics from the
two earlier suggested user cases: Norway as a green
battery for Europe: How to share burdens and ben-
efits, and The role of natural gas: Transition fuel or
long-term solution?
Kjetil Midthun is the leader of this user case, based
on RA2. It is connected to research activities in RA3,
and co-operates with FME CEDREN on studies of
energy storage and balancing energy.
In this user case we focus on the potential for Nor-
way to act as a green battery for Europe. The defini-
tion of a green battery in this context includes en-
ergy production from renewable sources as well as
natural gas. We include both the export of energy
directly as well as balancing services in our study.
Amainmotivation for this user case is to explore the
potential for utilizing:
- The inherent flexibility in the natural gas system
- Pumping of water utilizing low electricity price
- The flexible operation of the Norwegian hydro
power system
An example of such facilitation is the possibility
to handle situations with very low electricity pric-
es due to overflow of intermittent energy. We will
investgate how to balance the highly fluctuating
energy production from non-dispatchable energy
production in wind parks, both by offering short-
term storage of gas in Norway´s pipeline system
and by hydro pumping importing electricty from
the wind parks.
Flexible Norwegian energy as a green service to Europe