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CenSES annual report 2011
funding, meaning the parties have already co-
operated for a few years. In 2011 the whole group
met first in Oslo in June and later in Maryland in No-
vember. The next meeting will take place in Beijing
in 2012. In between there has been researcher ex-
change. The main purpose of this work is to link the
energy system models at global level with regional
models to achieve consistency in input data, poli-
cies and scenario results. The project tools are used
to study effects of policy on energy prices and in-
As a consequnce of LinkS we also started a coop-
eration on a multifuel mulitsector equilibrium
model for the energy system. This cooperation also
includes DIW Berlin and the work was inititated at
meetings in Berlin in July and October. The purpose
of this cooperation is to ensure data quality and
support joint modelling efforts of a global energy
system model. From CenSES perspective the main
motivation is to develop a model that can be used
to study the role of Norway as a supplier of flexibil-
ity to the European energy market, both through
renewable energy and natural gas.
Friedrich Kunz (DIW) teaching for PhD candidates.
Photo: Ruud Egging
International energy modelling networks
SINTEF and NTNU has been invited into Energy
Modelling Forum Group 28 together with DIW Ber-
lin and a number of European partners. This is an
European consortium that will analyse energy sce-
narios for Europe.
Through the participation in Energy Technology
System Analysis Programme (ETSAP) via CenSES
partner IFE, we get access to models and data and
an international network working with TIMES
models. IFE partiticipated in two ETSAP workshops
in 2011, one in Paris and one in Stanford. This is a
valuable contribution to CenSES work with energy
scenarios and sustainable energy system design.
The work in ETSAP and EMF 28 will be closely co-
ordinated with RA2 and RA5 in CenSES.
Cooperation in education
The cooperation on energy system models also
includes an educational component. In the long
run we want to initiate exchange at PhD and mas-
ter level with cooperating institutions, and we al-
ready started some coooperation with DIW Berlin
(through TU Berlin and University of Maryland.)
- Two master students fromTrondheim participated
in a training week at TU Berlin as part of the co-
operation on the energy system equlibrium model
in October led by prof. Christian von Hirschausen.
- In December prof. Steven Gabriel from University
of Maryland visited Trondheim and gave a 3 days
compact course on equilibrium models as part of
NTNU´s PhD course in Energy markets.
- A joint paper on modelling combined investment
and operations of energy systems was submitted
by professors and PhD candidates at University of
Maryland and NTNU