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CenSES annual report 2014


Appendix 3: Publications

Journal papers

1. Aall, C. (2014). Fornybareventyr eller forbruksmareritt? Om nødven-

digheten av et lavenergisamfunn. Plan 3-4: 67-73.

2. Arvesen, A., Nes, R.N., Huertas-Hernando, D., Hertwich, E.G. (2014). Life

cycle assessment of an o shore grid interconnecting wind farms and

customers across the North Sea. The International Journal of Life Cycle

Assessment 19(4): 826-837.

3. Berger, G., Rubik, F., Feindt, P., Holden, E. (2014). Sustainable Mobility –

Challenges for a Complex Transition. Journal of Environmental Policy and

Planning 16(3): 303-320.

4. Bjørgum, Ø., Sørheim, R. (2014). The funding of new technology rms in

a pre-commercial industry – the role of smart capital. Technology Analysis

& Strategic Management

5. Bjørnali, E., Ellingsen, A. (2014). Factors A ecting the Development of

Clean-Tech Start-Ups: A Literature Review. Energy Procedia 58: 43-50.

6. Calvin, K., Edmonds, J., Bakken, B.H., Wise, M., Kim, S., Luckow, P., Patel, P.,

Graabak, I. (2014). EU 20-20-20 energy policy as a model for global climate

mitigation. Climate Policy

7. Gilpin, G., Hansen, O.J., Czerwinski, J. (2014). Biodiesels and advanced

exhaust aftertreatments combined e ect on global warming and air pollu-

tion in EU road-freight transport. Journal of Cleaner Production 78: 84-93.

8. Hojem, Thea So e Melhuus; Sørensen, Knut Holtan; Lagesen, Vivian

Anette. Designing a ‘green’ building: expanding ambitions through social

learning. Building Research & Information 2014 ;Volum 42.(5) s. 591-601


9. Holden, E. (2014). Moving Towards Low Carbon Mobility. Journal of

Environmental Policy and Planning 16 (4): 577-581. NTNU HISF

10. Holden, E., Linnerud, K., Banister, D. (2014). Sustainable development:

Our Common Future revisited. Global Environmental Change 26(1): 130-


11. Huppmann, D., Egging, R. (2014). Market power, fuel substitution and

infrastructure – A large-scale equilibrium model of global energy markets.

Energy75: 483-500.

12. Karlstrøm, H., Ryghaug, M. (2014). Public attitudes towards renewable

energy technologies in Norway. The role of party preferences. Energy

Policy 67: 656-663.

13. Kaut, M., Midthun, K.T., Werner, A., Tomasgard, A., Hellemo, L., Fodstad,

M. (2014). Multi-horizon stochastic programming. Computational Manage-

ment Science 11(1-2): 179-193.

14. Mauritzen, J. (2014). On livestock and emissions, California, technology

and jobs, algorithms. The Economist 410: 8869

15. Mauritzen, J. (2014). Scrapping a wind turbine: Policy changes, scrap-

ping incentives and why wind turbines in good locations get scrapped

rst. Energy Journal 35(2): 157-181.

16. Modaresi, R., Pauliuk, S., Løvik, A.N., Müller, D.B. (2014). Global Carbon

Bene ts of Material Substitution in Passenger Cars until 2050 and the

Impact on the Steel and Aluminum Industries. Environmental Science and

Technology 48: 10776-10784.

17. Narbel, P. (2014). Estimating the cost of future global energy supply.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 34: 91-97.

18. Narbel, P. (2014) Rethinking how to support intermittent renewables.

Energy 77: 414-421.

19. Paraschiv, F., Fleten, S.-E., Schürle, M. (2014). A spot-forward model for

electricity prices with regime shifts. Energy Economics 47: 142-153.

20. Pauliuk, S., Müller, D.B. (2014). The Role of In-Use Stocks in the Social

Metabolism and in Climate Change Mitigation. Global Environmental

Change 24: 132-142. NTNU

21. Ryghaug, M., Toftaker, M. (2014). A transformative practice? Meaning,

competence, and material aspects of driving electric cars in Norway. Na-

ture and Culture 9(2): 146-163. NTNU

22. Salom, J., Marszal, A.J., Widén, J., Candanedo, J., Lindberg, K.B. (2014).

Analysis of load match and grid interaction indicators in net zero energy

buildings with simulated and monitored data. Applied Energy 136: 119-


23. Salom, J., Widén, J., Candanedo, J., Lindberg, K.B. (2014). Analysis of grid

interaction indicators in net zero-energy buildings with sub-hourly collect-

ed data. Advances in Building Energy Research

24. Skjølsvold, T.M. (2014). Back to the futures: Retrospecting the prospects

of smart grid technology. Futures. The Journal of Policy, Planning and

Futures Studies63: 26-36. NTNU

25. Steen, M., Hansen, G.H. (2014). Same Sea, Di erent Ponds: Cross-Sec-

torial Knowledge Spillovers in the North Sea. European Planning Studies

22(10): 2030-2049.

26. Tøsse, S.E. (2014). Concern and con dence. Architects making sense

of climate adaption. Environment and Planning, B: Planning and Design

41(1): 24-38.

27. Vie, O.E., Stensli, M., Lauvås, T. (2014). Increasing companies absorptive

capacity through participation in collaborative research centres. Energy

Procedia 58: 36-42.

28. Weaver, T.J., Moen, Ø., Landstad, K.S., Standeren, M.I (2014). Investigat-

ing the international expansion of high growth power providers in emerg-

ing markets: motives, management and entry modes. Journal for Interna-

tional Business and Entrepreneurship Development 7(4): 289-308.

29. Walnum, H.J., Aall, C., Løkke, S. (2014): Can Rebound E ects Explain

Why Sustainable Mobility has not been Achieved? Sustainability 6(12):


30. Bjørnåli, E.S., Ellingsen, A. (2014). Factors A ecting the Development of

Clean-tech Start-Ups: A Literature Review. Energy Procedia 58(43-50).

31. Eskeland, G. (2014). Moving Towards Low Carbon Mobility.Economics

of Energy & Environmental Policy 3(1)121-127.

32. Walnum, H.J., Aall, C., Løkke, S. (2014). Can Rebound E ects Explain

Why Sustainable Mobility has not been Achieved? Sustainability 6(12):


33. Normann, H.A. (2014). The role of politics in sustainable transitions: The

rise and decline of o shore wind in Norway. Environmental Innovation

and Societal Transition doi: 10.1016/j.eist.2014.11.002

34. Korsnes, M. (2014). Fragmentation, Centralisation and Policy Learning:

An Example from China’s Wind Industry. China aktuell - Journal of Current

Chinese A airs 3: 175-205.

35. Swensen, E. (2014). Karbonfangst og -lagring (CCS) - den umulige

posisjonen. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 31(4): 431-440.

36. Ydersbond, I., Korsnes, M. (2014). Wind power in China and in the EU: a

comparative analysis of key drivers. Energy Procedia 58: 95-102.

37. Fodstad, M., Midtun, K.T., Tomasgard, A. (2014). Adding exibility in

a natural gas transportation network using interruptible transportation

services. European Journal of Operational Research