CenSES annual report 2014
Nationality Period M/F Topic
Araoz, Veronica
(Defended 30.05.12)
14.08.2012 F
Essays in Pricing in Deregulated Electricity Markets
Assmann, Lisa Marie German
14.08.2016 F
Essays in Shipping Economics
Ausrød, Vegar Lein Norwegian 01.11.2010-
15.05.2015 M Commercialization of renewable energy
Bjørgum, Øyvind
Norwegian 01.10.2010-
15.07.2015 M The long-term growth and pre-commercial processes of international new Ventures
Cheng, Xiaomei
14.09.2015 F
Returns to scale of Norwegian electricity distribution companies
Ellingsen, Linda
Norwegian 15.09.2013-
14.09.2016 F
Environmental impact of electrifying the transport sector
Gibon, Thomas
01.12.2015 M Scenario-based life cycle inventory methods to inform climate mitigation
Gjefsen, Mads Dahl
Norwegian 15.03.2010-
10.12.2014 M Framing public engagement with new technologies
Gjerald, Ole Inge
Norwegian 01.09.2008-
31.12.2015 M Renewable strategies? Implementing and commercializing new energy technologies
Hanson, Jens
(Defended 04.10.13)
Norwegian 01.01.2008-
29.06.2012 M Solar energy technology, industry and policy
Haugstvedt, Daniel
(Defended 17.01.14)
Norwegian 01.06.2010-
17.01.2014 M Operational and nancial aspects of hydropower production
Jomisko, Robert
Norwegian 01.09.2010-
15.03.2014 M Policy Development for Renewable energy
Lindberg, Karen
Norwegian 01.09.2011-
01.03.2016 F
The impact of zero emissions buildings (ZEB) on the energy system through smart grid and
demand side management (DSM)
Lysgård, Sylvia
Norwegian 01.09.2011-
28.02.2016 F
Hva dreier det seg om? Næringsliv, politikk og praksiser i to norske (miljø)saker
Mauritzen, Johannes
(Defended 14.05.12)
Norwegian 01.08.2008-
01.05.2012 M Windonomics: empirical essays on the economics of wind power in the Nordic electricity
Narbel, Patrick
(Defended 14.08.14)
14.08.2014 M Framework promoting the development of renewable energy in developing countries
Normann, Håkon
Norwegian 19.03.2012-
30.08.2015 M Explaining the innovation policy towards renewable energy technologies in Norway by
analysing the functional patterns across di erent technological innovation systems
Nykamp, Hilde
Norwegian 01.02.2012-
01.07.2015 F
Sustainable buildings-innovations in the construction industry
Pham, Ha Thi Bich
(Defended 09.06.12)
Vietnamese 01.12.2008-
09.06.2012 F
Transformations in the cement industry- A natural resource based industry in the context
of climate change
Reinertsen, Hilde
Norwegian 01.05.2010-
01.06.2015 F
Powering global development?A study o e orts to identify results of technology transfers
within Norwegian development aid to the energy sector, 1965-2010
Rygg, Bente Johansen Norwegian 01.02.2011-
12.12.2014 F
Renewable energy as a community concern: How local communities face the challende of
increasing use and production of renewable energy
Sinha, Vivek
14.08.2015 M Unleashing the potential of renewable energy for decentralized production: an investiga-
tion into organization strategies and system requirements
Skar, Christian
Norwegian 16.08.2010-
01.05.2015 M Modelling of the European power market for low emission scenarios
Zhonghua, Su
29.02.2016 F
A multi-stage multi-horizon stochastic equilibrium model of global multi-fuel
energy markets
Swensen, Eirik
Norwegian 01.09.2010-
19.12.2014 M Policy Development for renewable energy
Throndsen, William Norwegian 01.04.2011-
30.09.2015 M The development of smart grid technologies in an STS perspective
Unander, Trine
Norwegian 08.01.2013-
03.05.2018 F
Innovation and learning energy policy: The role of the environmental groups in rethinking
Norwegian energy policy
Walnum, Hans Jakob Norwegian 01.09.2011-
01.04.2015 M An interdisciplinary understanding of rebound e ects. A discussion of rebound e ects in
the transport sector
Weaver, Tyson
American 01.09.2011-
30.11.2015 M Norwegian hydropower international development
PhD candidates with nancial support from CenSES