CenSES annual report 2014
Main Research Objective
CenSES’main research objective is to conduct research that supports public and private decision makers in
strategic decisions and policies that will promote environment-friendly energy technologies and lead to a
sustainable energy system. The research will result in new policy recommendations, tools and models, strategies
and scenarios supporting the transition to a sustainable energy system.
Key objectives
Objectives for education and recruitment
• Develop master courses and a PhD school in social scienti c energy studies
• Educate 40 PhD candidates and post docs under the FME budget
• Supervise at least 20-30 master students every year
Relevance objectives
• CenSES will perform a number of scenario studies and
user cases in cooperation with the user partners
Dissemination objectives
• Disseminate results to the public through:
- Yearly conferences
- Workshops and seminars
- Quarterly newsletter
- High visibility in the news media
• Establish Innovation Forum in cooperation
with the technology-oriented FMEs
• Establish an Energy Strategy Board together
with Technoport
• Establish a public website
www.censes.no• Establish a blog “Dei bærekraftige” at
forskning.noPublication objectives
• Present 150 papers on international conferences
• Publish 120 articles in academic journals with peer review
• Write 3 scienti c books and 40 book chapters in edited books
In addition to strictly academic dissemination through journals and
scienti c conferences, CenSES have high goals concerning publishing
results that will be useful tools for energy policy making and can
contribute to creating a better and broader energy discussion in society.