CenSES annual report 2014
About CenSES
Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies (CenSES) was established in 2011 as a national Centre for Environment-friendly
Energy Research (FME) by the Norwegian Research Council. The objective of the FME initiative is the establishment of
time-limited research centres which conduct concentrated, focused and long-term research
of high international calibre in order to solve speci c challenges in the eld.
FME CenSES will develop fact-based knowledge for strategic decisions, relevant both for government and
industry. The focus is knowledge for a national energy policy, for national and international climate policy,
and for strategies of innovation and commercialization.
CenSES research integrates the following disciplines: energy systems and markets, industrial ecology,
economics, political science, sociology, innovation studies and science and technology studies.
The CenSES consortium includes research groups from Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Institute for
Research in Economics and Business Administration (SNF), Norwegian School of Economics (NHH),
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) , SINTEF, Sogn og Fjordane University College,
Vestlandsforsking and University of Oslo (UiO).
Research partners