CenSES annual report 2014
New User cases and Position papers
Based on meetings and discussions with the user- and
research partners in 2014, we have decided upon three
new user cases that will be started in 2015: “Decarboniza-
tion of the transport sector by large scale electri cation”,
“The common Swedish - Norwegian elcerti cate market”
and “Nurturing new technologies”. The nal content of the
user cases will be discussed together with the user part-
ners at workshops during 2015, but an initial description is
provided below for each user case.
Dam Presteinvatn (Photo Vegard Martinsen)
This user case will consider aspects of a large scale electri -
cation of the transport sector. This includes power trans-
mission, distribution networks, the need for instantaneous
power and power balance. Public perception and attitudes
towards electri cation of transportation services will also
be discussed. Additionally, gaining an understanding of
various rebound e ects by following the transport behav-
iour of di erent groups will be included. This incorporates
questions such as: How does transport behaviour change a)
for those not buying an e-car, b) those having acquired an
e-car recently and going through a transition phase, and c)
those who have been using an e-car for some time? In addi-
tion, life-cycle analysis in general and recycling of batteries
is planned as a part of the user case.
Contact person: Ingeborg Graabak (SINTEF Energy)
Decarbonization of the transport sector
by large scale electri cation
The user case will summarize our research on the proper-
ties of green certi cates. This will include a discussion of the
background and motivation for the introduction of green
certi cates, analyses and discussions of the expected and
planned development of power production and transmis-
sion capacity due to the certi cates as well as a comparison
between the two countries included in the green certi -
cates: Norway and Sweden.
Contact person: Kari Espegren (IFE)
“Nurturing new technologies”
In the work with the user case we will discuss the e ciency
and properties of di erent incentive schemes for pro-
moting renewable energy. Which incentive schemes and
regulatory frameworks will stimulate long-term technology
development and the introduction of new technologies in
the market? The work will cover a broad range of technolo-
gies and incentive schemes such as green certi cates, feed-
in tari s and CAPEX-support for CCS installations. Moreover,
we will discuss selection mechanisms for incentive schemes
– why are certain mechanisms chosen in certain settings
and what is the motivation behind these mechanisms?
Contact person: Markus Steen (SINTEF T&S)
The common Swedish - Norwegian
elcerti cate market