NTNU Fakultet for arkitektur og billedkunst
Course content
- Historical aspect: 10% Registration, mesuring and
presentation of existing buildings and-/or landscapes.
- Architectural design: 75%
- Form and colour studies:15% Exercises in two- and
threedimensional form.
Learning methods and activities
Practical part
: Construction work,- scale 1:1. Registration,
measuring and presentation of existing buildings and
landscape. Individual project assignment. (”SPACE for
invitation”)Workshops. Group-work is emphasized so that
different perspectives and experiences becomes a part of
the basis of knowledge.
Theoretical part
: Lectures, literature.
: A short excursion where registration,
measuring and presentation (drawing and models) of
existing buildings and landscape is the main issue.
Learning outcome
The course provides a basic introduction to the theoretical,
practical and esthetical basis of Architecture. Emphasize on
space; structure and form.
Skills/ Practice in:
- Teamwork: Develop the ability both to cooperate with other
students and to make individual statements as a fundament
in the creative process.
- Developing and realizing architectural ideas in text,
drawings and model.
- The use of the relevant tools provided in the different
stages in a projects development. Emphasize on analog
drawings and models as tools for development.
- The basic conventions in drawing.
- Registering, measuring and communicating information
and qualities from a place in the landscape. In drawings,
texts, photography etc.
- Photography and basic skills related to digital imaging
General knowledge
The students will be exposed to relevant references
concerning basic architectural topics both in the tutorial
situation as well as in lectures. To achieve a basic
understanding of construction and material the students
are introduced to full scale building in the beginning of
the semester. Understanding of multi-perspective thinking
(complexity aspect) and the deeper cultural role of
architecture (depth aspect) is central.