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Skarbø, R.

- Ice drift prediction

for Arctic marine operations using

images from SAR and marine radar.

SAMCoT Scientific Seminar

Skjetne, R.

- WP5 - Ice Management

and Design Philosophy. SAMCoT

Technical Workshop

Skjetne, R.

- WP5 Roadmap – Ice

Management and Design Philosophy.

Workshops Other

Stanilovskaya, Y.

- Investigation on

Permafrost-Related Issues at TOTAL.

SAMCoT Scientific Seminar

Storheim, M.

- Structural Response

in Ship-Platform and Ship-Ice

Collisions. Presentation, Thesis for

the degree of Philosophia Doctor

Storheim, M.

- Environmental consi-

derations related to decommissioning

ships and offshore structures. Trial

Lecture, Thesis for the degree of

Philosophia Doctor

Tsarau, A.

- Hydrodynamic forces

on ice floes in the propeller wash

of a ship – full-scale experimental

study. International Association for

Hydro-Environment Engineering and

Research (IAHR)

Tsarau, A.

- Ice in waves. SAMCoT

Scientific Seminar

Tsarau, A.

- Floe ice Actions –

Hydrodynamics. Workshops Other

Mass Media & Other

Popular Media (36)

Bazilchuk, N.

- Arktis er viktig for

både Norge og Japan. GEMINI

Bazilchuk, N.

- Der kysten faller i

sjøen. GEMINI

Bazilchuk, N.

Keeping Arctic villages,

infrastructure from falling into the


Bazilchuk, N.

- Japan-Norway Arctic

Science and Innovation Week. GEMINI

Bazilchuk, N.

- Three Arctic resear-

chers at North Pole. GEMINI

Bazilchuk, N.

- Arctic Safety Centre


Bazilchuk, N.

- Lazarus ice (Video).

Bazilchuk, N.

- Keeping Arctic

villages, infrastructure from falling

into the sea (Video).


Bazilchuk, N.

- A peek under Arctic

ice (Video).

Bazilchuk, N.; Gutierrez Glez, M.A.

- Different posts related to SAMCoT

on NTNU Social Media.

samcot & SAMCoT e-room (15)

Fellmann, T.

- Utenriksstudenten på

Svalbard. Hallo P3-spalten Utenriks-

studentene, NRKP3-11.10.16

Fellmann, T.

- Runa er snart på

Nordpolen. Hallo

P3-spalten Utenriksstudentene,


Furberg, K.

- NTNU-stipendiater

reiser til Nordpolen på forskningstokt.


Gutierrez Glez, M.A. & SAMCoT


- SAMCoT Annual Report 2015.

Fagtrykk Trondheim AS

Herrmann, V.

- Coastal Erosion and

Thawing Permafrost: A Dangerous

Duo. High North News

Lunde Andersen, R. and Sørheim

Bjørkås, T.

- Reiser til Nordpolen for

å forske på isen.

Løset, S. and Lu, W.

- Helikopter

lander på isbryter i Arktis (Video).

Rislå Andersen, S.

- Drar til

Nordpolen for å finne ut hvordan skip

kan takle isen.

Rislå Andersen, S.

- Runa (28) skal

knekke iskoden. Bergens Tidende,

tirsdag 02.08.16

Skarbø, R.

- Follow me to the North

Pole – Online Blogg. Blogg on Field


Skarbø, R.

- Follow me to the North

Pole Blog post.

NTNU TechZone

Skarbø, R.

- Morning radio interview.

Radio Trondheim 04.08.2016


Annual Report 2016