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patterns in 3D interaction of solid

indeter with ice. SAMCoT Scientific


Kulyakhtin, S.

- Continuum model-

ling of unconsolidated Ice Rubble.

SAMCoT Scientific Seminar

Lande, R.H.

- An introduction to

non-probabilistic methods for as-

sessing reliability. SAMCoT Scientific


Leira, F.S.

- Using UAVs for Ice

Management Situation Awareness

and Surveillance. SAMCoT Scientific


Lindbjør-Nilsen, H. and Høyland,

K.V. FEM-CEL simulations of full

scale and model scale punch tests on

ice rubble with the Modified Cam Clay

model. International Association for

Hydro-Environment Engineering and

Research (IAHR)

Lu, W., Lubbad, R., Løset, S. and

Skjetne, R.

- Parallel Channel Tests

during Ice Management Operations in

the Arctic Ocean. Arctic Technology (ATC)

Lu, W., Zhang, Q., Lubbad, R., Lø-

set, S. and Skjetne, R.

A Shipborne

Measurement System to Acquire Sea

Ice Thickness and Concentration at

Engineering Scale. Arctic Technology


Lu, W.

- Large scale sea ice fracture

tests. SAMCoT Scientific Seminar

Lu, W.Løset, S.

- Floe-ice fracturing.

Workshops Other

Lubbad, R.

- WP6 – Coastal Techn-

ology. SAMCoT Scientific Seminar &

Technical Workshop (2)

Lubbad, R.

- Simulation-based

assessment of planned IM operations.

Workshops Other

Løset, S. -

Sustainable Arctic Marine

and Coastal Technology – SAMCoT.

OeD Temadag, Framsenteret, Tromsø

Løset, S.

- Overview WP4. SAMCoT

Scientific Seminar

Løset, S.

- WP4 - Floating Structures

in Ice. SAMCoT Technical Workshop &

Workshops Other (2)

Løset, S.

- Sustainable Arctic Marine

Technology – SAMCoT. Workshops


Løset, S.

- Status Meeting Recto-

rat-SAMCoT. Workshops Other

Løset, S.

- Impact by SAMCoT on

Marine Operations in the Arctic.

Japan-Norway Arctic Science and

Innovation Week, Tokyo,

Løset, S.

- Impact by SAMCoT on

Marine Operations in the Arctic.

Japan-Norway Arctic Science and

Innovation Week, Follow-up,

Løset, S.

- Experience with Clustering

of Norwegian-Russian projects.

Russian-Norwegian Workshop

St. Petersburg

Løset, S.

- Knowledge and Innovative

Tools to Promote Safe, Environmen-

tally Sound Operations in the Arctic.

WOC Sustainable Ocean Summit,


Løset, S.

- SAMCoT Activities and

Innovations. GoNorth Workshop,


Marchenko, A. Marchenko, N.

Fomin, Y.V. and Ksenofontova,D.

- Consolidation of Drifting Ice

Rubble in the North-West Barents

Sea. International Association for

Hydro-Environment Engineering and

Research (IAHR)

Marchenko, A. -

Physical mechanisms limiting sizes

of pressure ice ridges and model of

ice rubble formation. International

Association for Hydro-Environment

Engineering and Research (IAHR)

Marchenko, A.

- Thermo-mechanical

properties of saline ice. International

Association for Hydro-Environment

Engineering and Research (IAHR)

Marchenko, A.

- Overview WP1.

SAMCoT Scientific Seminar Marchen-

ko, A. WP1 – Data collection and

process modeling. SAMCoT Technical


Marchenko, N.

- Comparison of

sea ice product and data of drifting

buoys. International Association for

Hydro-Environment Engineering and

Research (IAHR)

Marchenko, A.

- Passive turn of

turret moored vessel in drift ice.

Wave-ice interaction in ice infested

waters. International Conference on

Arctic vision (ICAV) Busan, Korea

Moslet, P.O.

- Using theoretical

predictions of ice management

efficiency for reducing design loads –

are we there yet? SAMCoT Technical


Blæsterdalen, B., Wrangborg,

D., Marchenko, A., Høyland, K.V.

and Vindegg, C.M.

- Geometry and

Thermo-Mechanical Properties of

Coastal Ice in a Micro-Tidal climate in

Svalbard. International Association for

Hydro-Environment Engineering and

Research (IAHR)

Nord, T.

- Panel loads and weather

conditions at Nordstromsgrund

lighthouse 2000-2003. SAMCoT

Scientific Seminar

Norgren, P.

- A preliminary study

on a SLAM approach to iceberg and

sea-ice mapping using AUV. SAMCoT

Scientific Seminar

Olofsson, J.

- Large Scale Ice

Management through Sensor Fusion

and Multi-target Tracking. SAMCoT

Scientific Seminar

Onshus, T.

- Some Safety

Requirements to Ice Management.

Workshops Other

Payo, A.

- Modelling coastal

morphological change at decadal

and longer time scales: iCOAST

approaches. Workshops Other

Polojärvi, A., Tuhkuri, J.

- 2D

FEM-DEM Study on Ice Loads on

Shallow Water Structure. Internatio-

nal Association for Hydro-Environment

Engineering and Research (IAHR)

Ranta, J., Polojärvi, A. and

Tuhkuri, J.

- A simulation based

statistical study on evolution of

ice-structure interaction process.

International Association for

Hydro-Environment Engineering and

Research (IAHR)

Ranta, J.

- Statistics of Simulated

Ice Loads. SAMCoT Scientific Seminar

Reed, I.

- Arctic shipping, oil

exploration and production offshore

Sakhalin Island - What kind of

vessels are required for operations?

Workshops Other

Ruud, S. and Skjetne, R.

- Agenda

SAMCot WP5 Workshop on Redun-

dancy and barrier management in ice

management. Workshops Other

Ruud, S. and Skjetne, R.

- Redun-

dancy and barrier management in ice

management. Workshops Other

Ruud, S.

- Agenda for workshop 2

WP5.2, Workshops Other

Ruud, S.

- Redundancy and barrier

management in ice management.

Workshops Other

Ruud, S.

- Plans, CTR 2017 for 5.2.2

Barrier management. Workshops


Ruud, S.

- Minutes of Meeting.

Summary of actions from Workshop

2. Workshops Other

Salganik, E.

- Ice ridges

thermodynamics for different scales

(Loads from scale-model ridges on

fixed structures). SAMCoT Scientific


Shestov, A.

- Thermodynamic

processes in ice rubble.

SAMCoT Scientific Seminar

Sinitsyn, A., Sinitsyna, T. and

Hendrikse, H.

- Ice Station for Ram-

ming Test on OATRC 2013. Internatio-

nal Association for Hydro-Environment

Engineering and Research (IAHR)

Sinitsyn, A.

- Guidelines develop-

ment in WP6 – Status and Plans.

SAMCoT Technical Workshop

Sinitsyn, A. and Guegan, E.

- Field

site "Vestpynten" – overview and

some results. Workshops Other

Sinitsyn, A.

- Guidelines develop-

ment in WP6 Presentation of the

progress since meeting on Feb 1st,

2016. Workshops Other

Sinitsyn, A. -

Guidelines develop-

ment in WP6. Workshops Other (2)

Skarbø, R., Yulmetov, R. and

Løset, S.

- Modelling iceberg drift in

pack ice off North-East Green-

land. International Association for

Hydro-Environment Engineering and

Research (IAHR)


Annual Report 2016