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Ocean over six legs from 11th of January to 23rd of June

2015. Together they planned and carried out a program

from May 21st to June 23rd, four ice ridges were subjected

to morphology mapping and coring for mechanical and

physical properties in drift ice in the Arctic basin north of

Svalbard. The field campaign was part of amultidisciplinary

project organized and lead by the Norwegian Polar Institute


Ervik and Shestov investigated the consolidation, develop-

ment of porosity, keel depth and geometry and mechani-

cal properties of ridges. Thermistor-strings were deployed

through several ridges and monitored the internal temper-

atures. The investigation showed that while the rubble in

the lower part of the keel melted, the consolidated layer in

the upper part of the keel grew (Figure WP3_4).

They performed drillings through the ridges to establish

the macro porosity and cored ice samples that were tested

mechanically in KOMPIS, a portable device to measure

uni-axial compressive strength of ice (Figure WP3_5).

Simultaneously the rubble porosity decreased and the

strength of the consolidated layer and the sail decreased.

This shows that for ridge in their decay phase the consoli-

dated layer takes up a bigger portion of the total keel than

earlier in the ridge lifetime. The results further indicate

that the present ISO formulation for ice ridge action may

overestimate the ridge action from decaying ridges as its

mechanical strength is lower than earlier in the season,

even though the consolidated layer may be thicker.

In the autumn Åse continued her work on a continuum

based numerical model to simulate crushing of the consol-

idated layer and continued to identify events of ridge inter-

action with the Nordströmsgrund lighthouse (LOLEIF/

STRICE data).

Figure WP3_4 Ridge diagram

Figure WP3_3 shows force-time trace from the simulations

and illustrates the need for to use statistical tools to analyse

ice loads.