Post Doc. Project
Department of Electrical
Variable Speed Energy
Conversion Systems for
Hydro Power Plants
By Mostafa Valavi
Supervisor: Prof. Arne Nysveen
• Synchronous generators in hydro power plants normally operate at a constant speed and
are directly connected to the grid.
• Variable-speed operation of the hydro generators could increase the flexibility of hydro
generation and enable the optimal operation of the turbine.
• In this system, rotational speed does not need to be constant.
• Two alternatives: (1) Synchronous generator connected to a full-rated converter.
(2) oubly-fed induction generator.
• Primary objective: design and analysis
of a variable-speed energy conversation
system for hydro power plants and
investigation of the alternatives
mentioned before.
• New design considerations for the
generator will be studied. (rotational
speed and frequency can be chosen more
freely). This includes both electrical and
mechanical parameters.
• Associated power electronic systems will
be investigated.
• Operation in pumping mode will be