Themain objective of HydroCen (Norwegian Research Centre for
Hydropower Technology) is to enable the Norwegian hydropower
sector to meet complex challenges and exploit new opportunities
through innovative technological solutions.
The research areas include hydropower
structures, turbine and generator, market
and services and environmental design.
The Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU) is the thehost institution
and main research partner, together with
SINTEF Energy and the Norwegian Institute
for Nature Research (NINA).
HydroCen has about 50 national and
international partners from industry, R&D
institutes and universities.
The annual budget is NOK 48 million per
year, totallingNOK384million ineight years.
HydroCen is a Centre for Environment-
friendly Energy Research (FME).
The FME scheme is established by the
Norwegian Research Council.
The objective of the FME-scheme is to
establish time-limited centres, which
conduct concentrated, focused and
long-term research of high international
standards in order to solve specific
challenges within its field.