Department of Chemical Engineering
Annual Report 2015
Academic staff
Professor Edd A. Blekkan
Professor De Chen
Professor Magnus Rønning
Professor Hilde J. Venvik
Adjunct professor Kjell Moljord
Adjunct professor Erling Rytter
Professor Emeritus Anders Holmen
Post Docs./Researchers
Auvray, Xavier (from 12.01.2015)
Chen, Qingjun (from 01.06.2015)
Cognigni, Andrea
Duan, Xuezhi (until 25.11.2015)
Gil Mattelanes, Maria Victoria (from 01.09.2015)
Gunawardana, Daham Sanjaya
Ledesma Rodrigues, Cristian
Lou, Fengliu (04.12.2015)
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan (until 31.03.2015)
Patanou, Eleni
Peña Zapata, Diego Alexander
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos
Zhou, Haitao (until 31.01.2015))
PhD candidates
Baidoo, Martina Francisca
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø
Dadgar, Farbod
Fenes, Endre (from 07.09.2015)
Gavrilovic, Ljubiša
Guo, Xiaoyang (from 12.01.2015)
Hjorth, Ida
Li, Yahao
Liland, Shirley
Østbye Pedersen, Eirik
Qi, Yanying
Salman, Ata ul Rauf (from 12.10.2015)
Strømsheim,Marie Døvre
Udani, Charitha
Van der Wijst, Cornelis G.
Volynkin, Andrey (until 01.12.2015)
Wang, Xuehang
Wang, Yalan (from 18.08.2015)
Wycisk, Michael
Yeboah, Isaac (from 24.08.2015)
Technical staff
Karin Wiggen Dragsten
Cristian Ledesma Rodriguez
Associate professor Ikko Mikami, Tokai University, Japan
Kuiyi You,
Esther Acha, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao,
Di Wang,
Gonzalo Esteban, Instituto Nacional del Carbón, INCAR-
CSIC, Spain
Associate professor Ivan Bogoev, Institute of Catalysis,
Bulgarian Academy ogf Sciences, Bulgaria
Cui Ting
The research and teaching in catalysis, reaction kinetics,
petrochemistry and related subjects is organised in the
Catalysis Group at the Department of Chemical
Engineering, NTNU. This is the largest catalysis group in
Norway and the main arena for education of PhD and
MSc candidates for Norwegian industry and research
institutes. The group consists of four permanents faculty
members, approximately 20 PhD students and 5-10
postdoctoral fellows. Every year 10-15 MSc students
graduate from the Catalysis Group.
The group is an integrated NTNU/SINTEF research
laboratory where NTNU-staff collaborate and share
facilities with researchers employed by the Oil and Gas
Process Technology Department in SINTEF. This
collaboration was recognised by NTNU and SINTEF as a
Strong-Point Centre (1998) and is formalised through the
KINCAT Gemini centre (NTNU/SINTEF twin research
centre). Personnel from the two organisations work
together and participate in teaching and research. The
group participates extensively in international networks
and has close collaboration with a number of universities
and research groups inside and outside the EU. The
research is funded by the Norwegian Research Council,