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CenSES annual report 2014


RA 5 Scenario Development

The main objective of RA 5 is to provide scenario driven

knowledge and analyses to policy- and decision makers to

aid in the development and evaluation of sustainable energy

strategies. RA 5 has in 2014 focused on analysing scenarios in

projects related to CenSES:

• Energy Modelling Forum (EMF) subgroup 28: Develop-

ment of electricity infrastructure under scenarios for the

EU’s Energy Roadmap 2050

• NORSTRAT (Nordic Energy Research): Four scenarios for

carbon free Nordic power system in 2050

• E-Highway2050 (RTE/ENTOS-E): Five scenarios for devel-

opment of European electricity highways to 2050.

A process with development of a set of common CenSES

scenarios is started. Development of the CenSES scenarios

will be a main activity in 2015, and the work will be based on

the experiences from the scenario work in RA 5 projects up to

now, e.g. the LinkS and the NORSTRAT project.

In 2014 we also have been working on the Zero Emissions

Platform (ZEP), a European-wide group of stakeholders pro-

moting Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) as an important

technology to help mitigating climate change.

This work has been organized under ZEP’s Temporary Work-

ing Group Market Economics (TWGME). ZEP serves as advisor

to the European Commission on the research, demonstration

and deployment of CCS. The EMPIRE model used in this work

is an extension of an earlier model developed for the CenSES

project LinkS, which was led by Bjørn Bakken at SINTEF.

The RA 5 team has been involved in a number of activities,

workshops and dissemination in 2014. The most relevant

ones are:

• Bjørn Bakken was interviewed by Aftenposten and

Gemini about the Links project (see below).

• NORSTRAT was presented: for Energy Norway on a half-

day seminar in April; on a seminar arranged by Sør-

Trøndelag Fylkeskommune in May; on the ECOS2014

conference in Helsinki in June; on a policy workshop

arranged by European Energy Research Alliance in Brussel

in June and on the CenSES annual conference in


• NORSTRAT arranged a workshop with about 15 persons

from Nordic power industries in Helsinki in October.

The LinkS project was formally nalized in 2013, but some

of the work continued in 2014. The Links manager, Bjørn

Bakken, was interviewed by Gemini and Aftenposten. His key

message was based on the results from the “Global 20-20-20”

scenario in LinkS. In this scenario the EU 20-20-20 policies

is extended in time and space and an increasing number of

the world’s regions gradually adopt the EU policies. The main

NORSTRAT (2011-2015) is a project in the “Sustainable Energy

System 2015” program nanced by Nordic Energy Research.

One of the objectives is to show how a fully integrated Nordic

power system can become carbon neutral and what is pro t-

able in terms of expansion of transmission grids in such a


A scenario methodology is used to analyse the power system

in 2050 by the EMPS model and an investment algorithm is

used for evaluation of pro tability of expansion of transmis-

sion links. The investment algorithm run in a loop with the

EMPS model, and price di erences between nodes in the

EMPS model are compared with annualized costs for expan-

sion of transmission grid capacities.

The drivers “Volume of new RES” and “Integration with the

Continental European system” are used to establish four main

A Nordic power system without emission of GHG

scenarios (see gure 1): Carbon Neutral, Purely RES, European

Battery and European Hub. All fossil production in the Nordic

countries is assumed phased out and the demand is in-

creased to 444 TWh/year (approximately 390 TWh/y in 2012)

in all the scenarios.

In Carbon Neutral and in European Battery ca 140 TWh/y of

new RES production is integrated into the Nordic system, in

Purely RES and in European Hub as much as 240 TWh/y. In

Carbon Neutral and in Purely RES the transmission capacities

between the Nordic region and Continental Europe are kept

at 2012-level.

In European Battery and in European Hub they are increased

according to pro tability criteria. In Purely RES all nuclear

production is assumed to be decommissioned as well. Dis-

tribution of new renewable production is mainly based on

existing projects in 2012.