CenSES annual report 2012
Lagesen, V. A., Energy efficiency improvements: Missing in action?, CenSES brukersamling, Trondheim, 06.09.12
Lagesen, V. A., Transition actors and transition strategies with respect to energy use, Energy and Society, conference, Lisboa, 22.03.12
Lind,A., Analysis of the EU Renewable Energy Directive by using a Techno-Economic Optimisation Model, CREE – 2nd research workshop,
September 2012
Lindberg, K.B., Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB) impact on the energy system, CenSES Annual Conference 30.11.2012
Narbel, P., Sustainable drivers for renewable energy penetration: a global study, The Norwegian research meeting in economics 2012, UMB,
January 2012
Narbel, P., What is really behind the adoption of new renewable electricity generating technologies?, BEEER conference, Bergen, 16.05.12
Narbel, P., What is really behind the adoption of new renewable electricity generating technologies?, 12th IAEE European Energy Confer-
ence, Italy, September 2012.
Narbel, P., What is really behind the adoption of new renewable electricity generating technologies? 2nd New Energy Forum, China, October
Narbel, P., Emission reductions when energy is good, CenSES Annual Conference 29.11.2012
Normann, H., How may new energy technologies become cost-efficient, CenSES Annual Conference 29.11.2012
Reinertsen, H., Knowledge on the Move: Understanding Development Aid, Paper, Annual Meeting for the Society for Social Studies of Sci-
ence, Copenhagen, October 2012.
Rosenberg, E., Energy demand and energy efficiency, CenSES WS 13.04.2012
Rud, L. Intermittent Renewables, Balancing Power and Market Design, SNF-seminar, Riga, Latvia, October 2012
Rud, L., Bjørndal, M., Bjørndal, E., Nodal versus zonal pricing: Market power in day-ahead versus in balancing services, 21st International Sym-
posium on Mathematical Programming, Berlin, Germany, 19. – 24.08.12
Rud, L., Intermittent Renewables, Balancing Power and Electricity Market Design, CenSES årskonferanse, 29.11.12
Rud, L., Intermittent Renewables, Balancing Power and Electricity Market Design, Workshop on managing uncertainty in energy systems and
markets, Oppdal, 24.03.12
Rygg, B.J., Local governments engagement with bioenergy, CenSES årskonferanse, 29.11.12
Ryghaug, M., & Toftaker, M., Nordisk og europeisk påvirkning på norsk politikk for ny fornybar energi, 4S Annual Meeting, København, 17. –
Ryghaug, M., & Toftaker, M., Transforming practices through electric car driving. A user perspective, MILEN International Conference 2012:
Advancing the research and policy agendas on sustainable energy and the environment, 22. – 23.11.12
Ryghaug, M., Centre for Energy and Society, Dept. of interdisciplinary studies of culture. Perspectives and activities, Kick off meeting
IHSMAG, Hørsholm, Danmark, 01. – 02.03.12
Ryghaug, M., Changing practices in transportation: a new era for the electrical car? Energy and society conference, Lisboa, 22. – 24.03.12
Ryghaug, M., Too hot to handle? Climate change communication and its public response, Language and climate: Does language matter?
Different voices, Different Stories, Bergen, 24. – 26.10.12
Ryghaug, M., Uberørt av virkemidler? Arkitekter og energieffektivisering, CenSES workshop om politiske virkemidler, 12. – 13.03.12
Ryghaug, M., Understanding Public Understandings of Climate Change- Different perspectives of understanding, Workshop, Language and
climate: Does language matter? Different voices, Different Stories, Bergen, 26.10.12
Saha, P., Hydropower Development: Motivators and Challenges, TIK, University of Oslo, 02.11.12
Sinha, V. and Ausrød, V. L., Innovative business models within decentralized renewable energy production, Paper presented at the Technop-
ort Conference, Trondheim, 16. – 18.04.12
Skar, C., Power system development in Europe under low emission scenario, Oppdal workshop, 23.03.12
Skar, C. and Tomasgard, A., Analyzing low emissions policy scenarios in an European context: a contribution to the LinkS project, CenSES
Annual Conference 30.11.2012