CenSES annual report 2012
Skjølsvold, T.M. & Ryghaug, M., Integrating Smartgrids in the households, Gjesteforelesnning, Norsk forening for automatisering, Oslo 09. –
Steen, M., and Hansen, G. H., Offshore wind in Norway. TIK, UiO, 01.11.12
Swensen, E. F., One State - Different Cultures, 2012 Berlin conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental change, Berlin,
05.10 – 06.10.12
Sørensen, K., Entitled to Energy? How households think about and manage their energy consumption, Seminar, Current Issues in Demand
Management, Enova, 18.04.12
Sørensen, K., From «Alternative» to «Advanced»: Mainstreaming of Sustainable Technologies, Symposium to Celebrate the Contribution of
Dr. Stewart Russell, NTNU, 04.06.12
Throndsen, W., Embracing Smart Metering in Norwegian Households, [endret til] Moving towards smart metering in Norway: The case of
one DSO and their AMI-project. IST 2012, København, 29.08 - 31.08.12
Throndsen, W., Et sosioteknisk perspektiv på sluttbrukere av smartgridet, seminar, SINTEF/NTE, Trondheim, 30.06.12.
Throndsen, W., The development of smart metering technologies in the perspective of the Norwegian network owner, CenSES Annual Con-
ference 30.11.2012
Tomasgard, A., A stochastic model for long term planning of the Norwegian natural gas infrastructure, invited lecture as LUMS Distinguished
visiting professor, Lancaster University, UK, 25.01.12
Tomasgard, A., A stochastic mixed integer model for investment in natural gas infrastructure, Euro conference, XXV, Vilnius, July, 2012.
Tomasgard, A., Adding Flexibility in Natural Gas Transportation Networks Using Interruptible Transportation Services.Trans-Atlantic infraday,
Washington DC, 09.11.12
Tomasgard, A., Infrastructure planning in the energy sector. Invited lecture, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Juan Rey University,
Tomasgard, A., Long term expansion of the European power system, Workshop on stochastic modeling in energy systems, Lancaster Univer-
sity, UK, 01.02.12
Tomasgard, A., Nonconvex Generalized Benders Decomposition for Stochastic Separable Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs, Invited lecture,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Juan Rey University, 24.05.12
Tomasgard, A., Multi-stage stochastic programming for natural gas infrastructure design, ISMP 2012, August, Berlin, 2012.
Tomasgard, A., Solving Discretely-Constrained Stochastic Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints, Oppdal workshop, 23.03.12
Tomasgard, A., Stochastic programming with decision dependent probabilities, INFORMS yearly conference, Phoenix, 2012.
Tomasgard, A., Stochastic separable mixed integer nonlinear programming via generalized benders decomposition, Nida, Lithuania, 2012.
Vie, O. E. and Stensli, M., Collaborating in research centres – Aiming at knowledge integration in renewable energy innovation projects. Pre-
sented at 3rd Advanced KITE workshop at University of Linköping, Linköping, Sweden, 12 – 13.09.12
Weaver, T., Financial Appraisal of Operational Offshore Wind Energy Projects, Renewable Energy World North America, Long Beach CA,
Weaver, T., Hydropower project ventures: testing international waters, NHH Bergen Economics of Energy and Environment Research Confer-
ence, Bergen, 15.05.12
Weaver, T., Hydropower project ventures: testing international waters, NHH Bergen Economics of Energy and Environment Research Confer-
ence, Bergen, 15.05.12
Weaver, T., Hydropower project ventures: testing international waters, Technoport 2012, Trondheim 15.04.12
Weaver, T., Hydropower project ventures: testing international waters, 4th Annual National Research School Conference for NFB (national
research school for business economics and administration), Kristiansand, 17.08.12
Weaver, T., Hydropower project ventures: testing international waters, CenSES årskonferanse, 29.11.12
Wicken, O., Kraft som vekstindustri, Høgskolen i Sogn og Fjordane 04.10.2012
Wicken, O., Policy, Infrastructures and Industry, Universitetet i Oslo, 01.11.2012