CenSES annual report 2012
Conference presentations/invited lectures
Bakken, B.H., Europe beyond 2020: Policy, scenarios and infrastructure modeling, Keynote Speaker, 6th Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Con-
ference on Applied Infrastructure Modeling and Policy Analysis, Washington DC, 09.11.12
Bjørnåli, E., Institutional entrepreneurship in emerging fields: Insights from renewable energy initiatives, Paper presented at the Technoport
Conference, Trondheim, 16. – 18.04.12
Egging,R., Drivers, trends and uncertainty in long-term price projections for energy management in public buildings, Accepted for IEEE
Conference Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM12), Florence, Italy. http://eem12.org/ (2012).
Presentation and reviewed proceedings paper, 10 - 12.05.12
Egging,R., P. Richter, F. Holz, Gas Transport Infrastructure Developments in an Increasing Consumption Scenario, Energy Modeling Forum 28,
Final meeting, Berlin, Germany, 19.10.12
Egging,R., PhDWorkshop on energy modeling, NTNU April 2012
Eskeland, G., European leadership in global climate policy: an interpretation, Keynote speaker, Toxa Conference in Environmental Policy,
Vigo, Spain, June, 2012
Eskeland, G., Leadership as a void in economics: a perspective on climate policy, BEEER conference, Bergen, 15.05.12
Eskeland, G., The consumer pays principle: the political economy of environmental policy, European Association of Environmental and Re-
source Economics, Annual Meeting, Prague, June, 2012
Eskeland, G., The role of leadership in economic theory ,Global Change program, European University, Florence, Invited seminar ( interview
on WWW), October 2012
Eskeland, G., Van Thunen in Bergen, SNF staff seminar, September 2012
Fleten, Stein-Erik, An introductory talk on optimization of hydropower bidding using linear decision rules, Managing uncertainty in energy
systems and markets; Winter workshop Oppdal, 23.03.12
Gjefsen, M.D., Carbon cultures: CCS in national visions for the future, Design and displacement – social studies of science and technology:
4S/EASST Joint Conference 2012, 17. – 20.10.12
Gjefsen, M.D., Establishing sociotechnical coal-collectives in Europe, Science and Democracy Network Annual Meeting 2012, 25. – 27.06.12
Hansen G. H., Calculating the incalculable: the role and methods of venture capital in the making of new renewable energy technologies,
Paper presented at the Technoport Conference, Trondheim, 16. – 18.04.12
Hansen G. H., Need for Greed. Venture Capital and Green Innovations, Paper presented at the Technoport Conference, Trondheim, 16. –
Hansen, G. H. (2012). Renewable reframing – why financial and industrial actors invest time, money and other resources in renewable en-
ergy, Seminar at MILEN Research School on New Technology, regulations, patents and politics, 11.05.12
Hansen, G. H., and Steen, M. (2012). Renewable detours - offshore oil and gas firms as transition actors, IST, Copenhagen, 29.08 - 31.08.12
Haugstvedt, D., Stochastic Programming for Electricity Spot Auction Bidding, Oppdal workshop, 21.03.12
Jomisko, R. L., & Swensen, E. F., One State - Different Cultures, Technoport 2012, 16.04 -18.04.12
Jomisko, R. L., & Swensen, E. F., One State - Different Cultures. Vit. Foredrag TIK-seminar, 23.05.12
Jomisko, R. L., Reframing Science for Policy Reform, Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) 17. – 20.10.12
Jomisko, R. L., Reframing Science for Policy Reform. Forskningsrådets site visit hos CenSES, 07.09.12
Jomisko, R. L., Reframing Science for Policy Reform. SEESHOP, Cardiff, 08. – 10.06.12
Kasa, S., Fraværet av politiske analyser i miljø- og energistudier. Møte i Censes Research Area 1, 13.03.12
Kasa, S., Green Economy, hopes for a new climate order?, Foredrag ved konferansen: SUM’s Rio+20 Mirror Events.
Kasa, S., Nasjonal klimapolitikk: Er fornybar energi løsningen?, Energidagen, 29.03.12.
Lagesen, V. A., Betydningen av ikke-markedsbaserte virkemidler for rådgivende ingeniører, CenSES workshop, Trondheim, 12. – 13.03.12