CenSES annual report 2012
Appendix 3: Publications
Journal papers and book chapters
Araoz, V. and Jörnsten, K. (2012). Helping to find the “missing money”: Semi-Lagrangean Approach Applied to Electricity Markets with Pay-
ments for Engaged Capacity, IEEE Conference Publications European Energy Market Conference, IEEE Xplore 2012.
Arvesen, A. and Hertwich E. G. (2012). Assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of wind power: A review of present knowledge and
research needs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(8): 5994-6006.
Bertnsen, G., Gamnes B., Widding Ø., Are all ventures social ventures? A method for evaluating a venture’s social efforts and social effects,
Energy Procedia, forthcoming, June 2012
Egging, R., Huppmann, D. (2012) Investigating a CO2 Tax and a Nuclear Phase Out with a Multi-Fuel Market Equilibrium Model, Accepted for
IEEE Conference Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM12), May 10 – 12, Florence, ItalyIT.
Eskeland, G. (2012). Elbil og plugghybrid: hvilke utslipp er våre? Samfunnsøkonomen, 7, 2012, oktober.
Gjerald, O. I. (2012). Frå forretningsidé til realisering for norske vindkraftprosjekt, Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 1(14):51-76.
Hellemo, L., Midthun, K., Tomasgard, A. andWerner, A. (2012). Natural Gas Infrastructure Design with an Operational Perspective, Energy
Procedia, Vol. 26, pages 67-73, 2012.
Hellemo, L., Midthun, K., Tomasgard, A. andWerner, A. (2012). Multi-stage Stochastic Programming for Natural Gas Infrastructure Design
with a Production Perspective. In Ziemba, Wallace and Gassman: “Stochastic programming- Applications in finance, energy, planning and
logistics”, World Scientific series in finance vol 4, World Scientific, 2012.
Jorge, R. S. and Hertwich E. G. (2012). Environmental evaluation of power transmission in Norway, Applied Energy (APEN-D-12-00589R1).
Mauritzen, J. (2012). Dead Battery? Wind Power, the Spot Market, and Hydropower Interaction in the Nordic Electricity Market, The Energy
Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2
Rygg, B. J. (2012). Wind power-an assault on local landscapes or an opportunity for modernization?’ Energy Policy 48:167-175.
Ryghaug, M. & Næss, R. (2012). In A. Carvalho og T Peterson: Climate Change Politics: Communication and Public Engagement. Cambria
Press. 2012.
Ryghaug, M., & Solli, J. (2012). The appropriation of the climate change problem among road managers: fighting in the trenches of the real
world. Climatic Change, 114(3-4), 427-440.
Singh, B., Strømman, A. H. and Hertwich E. G. (2012). Environmental Damage Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage. Journal of Indus-
trial Ecology 16(3): 407-419.
Singh, B., Strømman, A. H. and Hertwich E. G. (2012). Scenarios for the environmental impact of fossil fuel power: Co-benefits and trade-offs
of carbon capture and storage. Energy 45(1): 762-770.
Swensen, E. F. (2012). Mediemangneten Mongstad - debatten om CO2-fangst - og lagring i norske aviser. Norsk Medietidsskrift(4).
Veka S., Lien G., Westgaard S., Higgs H. (2012). Time-varying dependency in European energy markets: an analysis of Nord Pool, European
Energy Exchange and Intercontinental Exchange energy commodities, Journal of Energy Markets, 2012
Vie, O. E. (2012). The need for knowledge integration in renewable energy innovation projects, Energy Procedia, June 2012
Weaver, T. (2012). Financial appraisal of operational offshore wind energy projects, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(7):5110-
Weaver, T. (2012). Hydropower project ventures: testing international waters, Energy Procedia, 2012
Xiang, L., Tomasgard, A., Barton, P.I., Decomposition Strategy for the Stochastic Pooling Problem, Journal of global optimization, Volume 54,
Issue 4, pp 765-790, December 2012.
Araoz, V.C. (2012), Pricing in non-convex electricity markets: NHH
Mauritzen, J. (2012), Windonomics: Empirical Essays on the Economics of Wind Power in the Nordic Electricity Market: NHH