Page 40 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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General aim of the project is to create a place for birdwatching.
Rindal in well-known among birdwatchers
with its dwellings of horned grebe (Podiceps auritus) which is a
very rare and highly protected species.
In addition it is possible to observe other more common species
of water birds, especially in spring and summer.
However, the idea of birdwatching place in Rindal appeared
among amateaurs of this hobby, the project
is addressed to local people, mainly to families with children.
The intention is to entertain as well as educate -
attract visitors to come and rest and invite them to rediscover
the beauty of nature.
The building site is located in Rindal, the small town about 100
km from Trondheim. Project is a part
of broader conception of path leading from the town centre
through forests and around the Lake of Igltjønna.
Neighbourhood abounds with interesting examples of flora and
fauna, especially several water birds
that inspires local authorities to creating a birdwatching tower.
Considering sun and wind directions
the most convinient location for such a place seems to be the
southern edge of the lake. Moreover there is
a mild hill (ca 4 m high) which opens new design possibilities
besides the mentioned tower. Due to professional
photography the tower is not a good solution - even little
vibration of the construction caused by wind
interfers in taking a good quality picture.
3 levels 3 perspectives - birdwatching place