Page 39 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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Entering the observatory: The verticality of the trees and the claddings blends the
spaces together
Left: Earlyon process Right: Model pictures from 1:10 and 1:100 model
Arriving while hidden behind the obervatory
The construction of the tower is easy and readable. The wooden
structure is carried on four massive coloums that secure a rigid
structure. The cross bracing is in the inner walls between these
coloumns and in the staircase. Both the coloumns and the cladding
are continous through all levels.
The vertical cladding is connected to eachother with threaded steel to
keep them in place and to make the outher walls open. This makes
it possible to look outside from every part of the tower. The space
between the cladding varys in different part of the wall in accordance
to the surroundings and the sun.
The upper and the entrance level are both water tight to make
more comfortable situations underneath. This will expand the use
of the tower and it will also provide shelter on rainy days. The use
throughout the year is important. That is why the tower is elevated
from the ground. The open cladding will also ease the snowshoveling
in the winter.