Page 38 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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Upper: Siteplan. Middle: section B. Lower: Section A.
From top: plan 1-3
This bird observatory allows the visitor to experience the nature
and the surroundings with several senses. Not only looking at
birds, but also hearing sounds and feeling the weather. I want to
encourage creativity and hospitality in harmony with nature.
A visit to the bird observatory will always provide with a new
discovery or experience. This is a place with constantly changing
surroundings that invites its visitors to come in, and encourages
them to come back.
The location is situated by the central lake Igltjønna in Rindal.
The observatory is part of a local nature path project that will
enrich the community of Rindal. The area is already established
as a recreational area. This ensures an easy access to the
site and will contribute to outdoor activity for everyone in the
The project is partially hidden from the path, behind a small
elevated forest. This will hide the visitors arriving and protect
the more quiet bird habitat. The birds and the project demands
some privacy for it to completly fulfill its purpose, but at the
same time it needs to attract people. Therefore it is important
that the tower reveals and presents itself prior to actually
arriving. The bird observatory needs to protect and hide
disturbing elements, and blend in with the forest. That is why
the project is placed in the transition zone between the forest
and the lake.
The site inspires the structure of the project. The existing pine
trees gives the inspiration for the vertical expression. The three
levels focuses on different vertical viewpoints of experiencing the
surroundings. The continous wood cladding emphasizez the pure
form and expression, and connects the three levels. From the
ground to the tree tops. The open structure gives the visitor the
opportunity to become aware of the changing lights and weather
Vertical Three