Page 31 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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View from South
View from North
It is important that the project is readable and that the
construction is understandable. The wall should adapt to fulfill
the needs of use. The sunwalls can be open and transparent to
let light float through and make nature visible from the other
side, while the «birdwall» must be more closed to prevent
the birdwatcher to be seen. The project consists of triangular
frames placed in a rhythm with 120 cm between each frame.
The horisontal beam stands out from the vertical beams to
create a bench on the sunwalls at some places and a walking
path for the journey on the other side. One side of the vertical
beams is cladded with a horisontal timber screen to make the
wall. The vaertical beams has a dimension of 2´´4´´ while the
horisontal beams that takes the load of the people walking on
it has a dimension of 1,5´´6´´. The cladding of the walls and
the floor has a dimension of 2´´2´´ with varied space between
to satisfy the needs for different situations. It is important that
the construction is strong enough to be used, to walk on, to
lean against and maby to be climbed on. The foundation of the
frames holding the wall could be different as a result of what the
main function of the wall is. For instance, the birdwatching wall
and the platform requires more stability for it´s use than the
sunwall and the walkingpath. The shape of the frames is a result
of an inspiration from the snowscreens at Hjerkinn, an easy way
to make a standing rigid construction and a comfortable angle to
lean against for the sunwall.