Page 32 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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The way most people live today is removed from nature and
nature’s forces. This bird watching tower is designed to frame
nature. We see many people today lacking focus. Most live
stressful lives, where space for focus is rare. Focusing on
nature requires a slower pace; to listen, look and ignoring the
feeling of boredom which disturbs us in a constant crave for
entertainment. This tower is a means for this mood. To achieve
it, the rooms are simple and directed to the point of interest:
The stair focuses on the ascending, the next on the movement
throught the tree crowns, while the final lookout point is simply
directed to the lake. There is no point for the tower itself to draw
attention contrary to most installations today which is built to
All Along the Watchtower