Page 30 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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View from West
The project is a part of the Kul- tur- sti project in Rindal and
should mainly be a birdwatching place. The project should
therefore be open and accessible for all users of the culture
path. The amount of people using it will differ from groups
around 10-20 people, to the lonely birdwatcher. The project
therefore need to meet the different criterias of use. In
addition to birdwatching, the project could also be something
«more». The «more» should be a place for people to come
and do nothing in particular, just something else. Priority two
has therefore benn to create some other attractions to the
birdwatchingplace. A third priority has been «the playfulness». A
place for children to explore and take part of the construction.
Well visible from the existing path, the project will be an
important part of the Kul- tur- sti. The site consists of the open
landscape with the water and the more dense forrest with trees
in a hilly terrain. My project is placed on the southwest part
of the site, in the transition between the forrest and the open
landscape, defining the two different parts of the site.
The main idea has been to create a journey on the site, starting
from the exsting path and ending in the birdwatching place. The
journey consists of three separated walls, connected with a path
above ground level. The two first walls are oriented mainly in
east-west direction creating two sunfaced walls and the walking
journey on the north side. The third wall for the birdwatching
is oriented in south-north direction giving the opportunity to
watch birds through the wall towards west and from the open
side to the north. On the birdwatching wall there has been
added a wall on the east side of the construction to prevent to
much silhouette of the birdwatcher when you look through the
openings in the west wall. Where the «sunwalls» only have a
narrow walkingpath on the northside of the wall, the «birdwall»
has a floor giving the opportunity to stand next to the wall
looking out on the birds. The «birdwall» also have an extention
of the floor in east direction creating a platform for the more
«free view» of the birds in the north direction.
Birdwatching in Rindal