Page 27 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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Floor plan scale 1:200
View from the North-West
The construction consists of four frames which are connected
together by wooden beams and tension diagonals.
Six foundation points transmit the loads of the roofed part into
the ground. The stair has two separate foundations.
The area for the observation is protected by a waterproof
For the design of the facade, I chose a meta-image of the
observation, namely the deformation of a jalousie when you look
The basic structure consists of horizontal rows of planks. And
they are mounted inclined outward.
In the next step, I used the program “processing” to deform the
horizontal structure. The base is a grayscale image. Depending
on the gray value, the part of the facade is opened or closed.
The value of the deformation can be controlled by a computer
For the generation of the different facade areas, I used a variety
of factors, such as: sun angle, wind direction and views.
The complexity of the facade can be solved by prefabrication
and using a CNC-milling machine. Afterwards the parts could be
assembled and transported as large elements on the site.