Page 18 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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The main goal of the project is to create a nice place to stay before,
and after having watched birds from an elevated platform. in addition,
it is also desirable to create a usable place outside the birdwatching
season for the nearby community of Rindal. a place that can
accomodate whoever, whenever.
the program is broken down to 3 parts in a sequence:
1. the before-room
focus on a very calm part of the lake, no other buildings vis
ible. only water, reeds and nature
2. the birdwatching tower
focus solely on the act of birdwatching. has to be rigid
constructionwise, and large enough to accommodate a couple
of people with photo equipment. the birdwatchers should not
have a silhouette visible to the birds and the entire structure
should be elevated
3. the after-room
a place to get warm again after being in the birdwatching
tower. contains a place to store wood, make a fire and has a
wall oriented towards the south, where one can sit and enjoy
the sunshine.
the idea of three seperate spaces was sound conceptwise, but had to
be compressed into a compact, buildable structure.
a timber skeleton was developed, using the bypass building system,
linking the 3 units into one