Page 6 - Annual Report 2012

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Where do former students work?
Advisor at the Environmental Depart-
ment of the Trondheim Municipality Office
(Trondheim Kommune)
Xyntéo, India
Freelance environmental consultant, Pune,
Advisor at FPInnovations, Canada
Ecology, NTNU
Several students are taking a PhD at
Research Center for Mining and Metallurgy in
Chile Santiago
Umicore, Assitant Manager in Business
Development, Hoboken, Belgium
Three previous students work as advisors
at MiSA (Miljøsystemanalyse/ Environ-
mental Systems Analysis)
Environmental consultant at Norwegian
Armed Forces (Forsvaret)
Environmental ambassador for
“Klimaløftet” (Norwegian Ministry of
Self-employed consultant
Researcher at the Norwegian Defence Re-
search Establishment
Research assistant at department of
Industrial economics and technoligi man-
agement, NTNU.
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy
Directorate , Renewable energy section
Doctoral study in University of Delaware, US,
majoring in Energy and Environmental Policy.
PhD student. Thesis on transportation and
logistics with Edifret (French company),
University of Troyes (French university)
and NTNU
PhD, Carnegie Mellon
Innherred Trainee Programme w/Norske
Skog and Aker Kværner
Trainee in Statkraft
Environmental advisor in Asplan Viak
Scientific employee at the Dutch Compe-
tence Centre of Paper and Board (KCPK)
QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety and Environ-
mental) Engineer at Technip Norge in Sta-
Management consultant i Capgemini Con-
Environmental specialist - serving in a Ger-
man liquid food packaging corporation in
the branch office in Shanghai/China.
Assistant Manager of Marketing and Busi-
ness Development at Umicore in Antwerp,
Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology
Emisoft / SWECO / Centre for CSR at BI
Norsas (Norsk kompetansesenter for av-
fall og gjenvinning)
The Business Sector’s NOx Fund
How did an MSc in Industrial Ecology help you get to where you are
today? (quotes from graduation surveys)
«Gaining some knowledge about the many
facets of environmental issues trains you to
look at the holistic picture.»
«Knowing what an LCA is can take you places.
The analytical courses are important. There
arent too many people out there equipped
with the understanding of how exactly envi-
ronmental impacts can be assessed.»
«Having a masters in Industrial Ecology defi-
nitely helped - the combination of analytical
and social perspectives is perfect for my cur-
rent role. In addition my thesis used Trond-
heim as a case study, which was also an ad-
«I gained a lot academically and had many
opportunities to make contacts and apply
academic skills in a meaningful way.»
«[…]I really benefited frommy 2 years abroad
(improving my English, discovering a new
culture), and this MSc also helped me show
my interest for the environmental field in
general. I also joined the IndEcol program
via a double-degree agreement between my
school in France and NTNU, which was well
appreciated by my current company, as this
a way to differentiate from the typical French
engineering student. So in the end, even if
recruiters didn’t look first at my IndEcol de-
gree, it is probably what got me the job in the
«Industrial Ecology was critical to helping me
land my current position. Our department
uses LCA to evaluate forestry products and is
a key funder for developing LCI data for Cana-
dian forestry products.»
«Industrial Ecology has helped me to achieve
the expertise required for my work as an en-
vironmental consultant. I am being able to
use principles of MFA for developing water
balances for building construction projects.»
«I plan to introduce Industrial ecology in
some more educational institutes here in
India. Also move towards being an environ-
mental analyst for Eco-building projects.»
«IndEcol, and especially all people I have met
during my studies, has [emphasized] the im-
portance of doing all of this and everything
else I haven’t got around to start yet.»
«Through the Industrial Ecology program I
made the contacts and references needed to
get my current job. Without a doubt, I could
not be where I am today without it!»
«When I got to know students from ind.ecol,
my engagement in environmental issues
came back for real.»
«IndEcol did definitively help me to get
where I am today. The combination of “tech-
nology light” subject (introductory courses
in LCA and IndEcol), environmental manage-
ment and an understanding of environmen-
tal problems is a very good combination
when working as I do with an environmental
management system, with tasks such as re-
porting, planning, communication etc.»