Bai, Lijun:
Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Generation from Low Temperature Waste Heat: The Influence of Working
Billy, Romain
Material Flow Analysis of Extruded Aluminium in French Buildings: Opportunities and Challenges for the
Implementation of a Window-to-Window System in France.
Broca, Mita
‘Less is more’ : Pathways for Lower Steel Stocks in Developing Countries: An assessment of leapfrogging
potentials in transportation D1-2012-38.
Ellingsen, Linda A-W.
Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles.
Fallsen Berg, Kaja Sofie
Determination of the country specific environmental intensities of electricity in Europe: An analysis
incorporating different principles for determination of the electricity mix.
Gallardo, Carla
Residential building stocks and flows as dynamic systems: Chilean dwelling stock and energy modeling,
including earthquakes.
Ghose, Agneta
Life Cycle Assessment of an Active House: Sustainability concepts by integrating energy, environment and well-
Grann, Blane
A Building Information Model (BIM) Based Lifecycle Assessment of a University Hospital Building Built to Passive
House Standards.
Jacobsen, Anne Zimmer
Environmental assessment of Norwegian Agricultural Activities and products.
Lèbre, Eléonore
Modelling environmental benefits of household waste prevention.
Lia, Anne Margrethe
Life Cycle Assessment of Technical Solutions for High-Speed Rail: Tunnel and Track designs.
Loveland, Simon James
Spatial aspects of greenhouse gas emissions from transport demands by households in Trondheim.
Mehta, Shraddha
Phosphorus management in the Baltic Sea historic evidence and future options.
Melbye, Anne Marit
Life Cycle Assessment of Norwegian Bioenergy Heat and Power Systems.
Melvær, Martin Sveinsønn Life-cycle assessment of a multi-family residence built to passive house standard.
Nes, Rasmus Nikolai
Life cycle assessment of an offshore electricity grid interconnecting Northern Europe.
O’Born, Reyn
From Ground to Gate: A lifecycle assessment of petroleum processing activities in the United Kingdom.
Pak, Anthony
Use of future world scenarios within an attributional input-output framework.
Petersen, Anna Karoline
Short and medium chained chlorinated paraffins in buildings and constructions in the EU.
Polyakov, Dmitri:
Environmental analysis from Implementation of In Situ Combustion based Technology on Athabasca Bitumen
Robledo-Diez, Alvaro
Life Cycle Assessment on the Conversion of CO2 to Formic Acid.
Sivashankar, Pratulya
Energy and recycling implications of transitions towards light-weight passenger cars.
Torres, Ocatvio
Life cycle assessment of a pumped storage power plant
Vachon, Matthieu
Nantes’ and Oslo’s urban water systems: Assessing benefits from water-energy nexus interventions.: Report
number D1-2012-36.
Volsky, Uladzimir
Prepare Russia to meet IPCC 2050, based on dynamic MFA approach for greenhouse gas emissions
Wangen, Dan Jakob
Life Cycle Assessment of Power Generation Technologies with CO2 Capture.
Zur, Ifat
Reduction of Meat Consumption - The Case of Norway.