Symbiosis is the student group for the
Industrial Ecology program at NTNU
that organizes social, academic, and
career events and promotes Industrial
Ecology to students and companies.
In 2012 the Board included Jørgen
Westrum Thorsen (President, Norway),
Felipe Vásquez (Vice-President, Co-
lombia), Sarah Lasselle (Finance, USA/
Norway), Magnus Inderberg Vestrum
(Social, Norway), and Ty Lewis (Exter-
nal Outreach, USA). Symbiosis success-
fully executive a welcome week that
included social gatherings at Café Løk-
ka, barbeques, a tour of the city, and a
cabin trip to Heinsfjordstua.
The traditional Wednesday Night So-
cials included social gatherings at
Green Drinks Trondheim, TEDx Trond-
heim, nights playing Spoelbak or
watching football matches, or meeting
at a café to sit and talk. A four day ski
trip to Åre in February was attended by
many students and PhDs.
Masters students were also active in
networking through conferences in
Trondheim like CSR – a driver of in-
novation and global competitive-
ness hosted by Nordic Innovation in
November 2012, FHL’s Fish Feed Semi-
nar Program in February 2013, and
Technoport in April 2013.
The Symbiosis Board of 2013-2014
consists of Rachel Spiegel (USA),
Shyaam Ramkumar (USA), Bobak Ebi
(Iran), Leopold Eggersdorfer (Ger-
many/Switzerland), and Erik Gracey
(USA/Norway). The Board plans to
continue traditional events as well as
improve upon the social and network-
ing aspects of Symbiosis. This includes
creating a mentorship program be-
tween current students and graduates
to learn more about using IndEcol in
our career paths, and improved con-
nection with alumni and networking
through Facebook or LinkedIn.
The Board is compiling information to
improve the knowledge base about
companies focused on Industrial Ecol-
ogy, as well as conferences and events
in Trondheim related to IndEcol. A
career day is planned for September
2013 in partnership with Teknolo-
giportalen in September focused on
To highlight the international diversity
in our masters students social events
like Culture nights to celebrate Nor-
wegian or event/holidays from home
countries will be arranged.
Contact information:
The Association of Industrial Ecology Students at NTNU
Heinsfjordstua, September 2012