09.01.2018: Seminar on measurement and data processing techniques for hydromorphological assessment of regulated rivers, lakes and reservoirs
09.01.2018: Seminar on measurement and data processing techniques for hydromorphological assessment of regulated rivers, lakes and reservoirs
- The role of hymo and WFD deliverables – EU and Norway, Jo Halvar Halleraker, NEA
- The use of remote sensing to characterize hydromorphological properties of European rivers, Simone Bizzi
- Biologists in regulated rivers, Anders Foldvik, NINA
- The role of hydromorphological information to improve ecological status and provide sustainable hydropower, Martina Bussettini, ISPRA
- New and complementary information on water management derived from new satellite based systems, Frano Cetinic, EDInsights AS
- Experiences from application of remote sensing in marine and freshwaters areas, Kai Sørensen Norwegian Institute for Water Research
- Use of remote sensing techniques for mapping aquatic vegetation, Peggy Zinke, NTNU
- Assessing hydraulic and morphological conditionsusing UAS, Christian Haas, I am Hydro
- Drone supported habitat mapping in large rivers, Katarzyna Suska, IRS
- LiDAR and use of drones, Knut Alfredsen, NTNU
- Image processing and substrate measurements for habitat mapping and modelling, Kordula Schwarzwälder, NTNU
- Acoustic techniques for seabed mapping in MAREANO, using ships, ROVs and AUVs, Terje Thorsnes, MAREANO